Thursday, October 3, 2013

a new driver and stand like wonder woman!

In my social work class we talked about how you handle the pressure of having hurting people need you and how do you not take it home with you or get to absorbed in it.

It was a really really great class. The teacher use to be a therapist and he shared a few little stories with us and it was interesting.

He said this profession attracts people who have had problems to do this profession.

And he said, "that is all of us."

And he said a church leader said, "They are us, and we are them."

I liked it.

And he said that total healing is not possible without the Atonement (I go to a church college , :) ). That therapists and counselors can not fix it all.

And that in Social Work you may not be able to talk about the Atonement but you can always talk about hope and faith because everyone needs that.

The teacher said "When you work with people who are in pain it is going to be painful."

Interesting stuff.

Justine FINALLY got her drivers licence. She kept insisting she was going to fail. I kept telling her "power stance it, girl!" She thinks I am crazy.

But she gets so negative in her thinking. Wonder where she gets that!

Power stancing is when you stand all powerful with your hands on your hips, legs spread a little. Or you could stand like a football player. Something that is powerful. There are real live studies that by doing that your brain chemical change for good. I can't remember all the details now. But power stancing is good for you.

So after all her worry she passed both tests first time. She is so silly. I am so relieved to have that done with. She is almost 18 and we really needed her driving. Now we are prepping for her senior pictures.

Here is my drivers licence picture. Its shocking to me. Owiee. It hurts to look at.


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Hello, my old friend.

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