Monday, November 2, 2009

Hope you all had a SPOOKTACULER halloween!

Halloween is my very favorite! I love it when people take the time to make it scarily fun! We live in a GREAT little neighborhood where the kids just run and do old fashioned trick-or-treating. You see teenagers like crazy going as well. At first Corey and I tried to tell our kids they couldn't go after age 12 but all the neighbor teens are still going and they are having clean fun so what the heck! Some great houses included a friends basement tricked out into a spook alley for younger kids, including coffins, mad scientist with different touchable guts, floating ghosts with a fan to make them float, etc...It was AWESOME (Tiffany)! It went all through their basement. Other neighbors had creepy people in the yard to scare you as you approached the house, spiders dropping on your head etc... LOVED it (Myrna). One year a neighbor gave hot chocolate to all the kids...YUM (Tanya). We just live in a cool little place. We live in a place where if you have to go somewhere you can leave a bowl of candy on the front porch for the kids and when you come home no one has dumped the whole thing in their bag. It is awesome here.

We decorated our own house fairly cute this year. After my kids ditched me, I was taking Bo around alone, and when he came to our house he was like "Ohhh" then I asked him whose house that was and it dawned on him it was his own! It did look awesome with all our pumpkins lit (have I mentioned I have a minor obsession with pumpkins and squashes and gourds, I HEART them) and our strobe going and our spider web lit in purple and our light up pumpkin and our scary signs! Did I mention Halloween was my favorite?

Here are pictures of my little spooks!

ARRG! If you want to trick or treat you MUST dress up. You want to play you must pay!

Rabbit 4-H judge!

Anything that involves sword is cool, right?

I have waited about six years for someone to wear this Santa costume! It was hilarious! Nothing has been this great since Nathan dressed as Raggedy Andy, including a yarn wig.

"Bones" Thank you, Deseret Industries!

And, because I just wouldn't be a proper mother if I didn't, I must leak the ever so hilarious and adorable picture of my son dressed up as Raggedy Andy 10 years ago! He may hate us someday for it but there was no way we could resist!


Unknown said...

How cute!
I'm glad our downstairs was somewhat entertaining. We had a lot of fun making it. I'm going to be so sad when my kids want to pick out their own costumes. I love that I can choose for them and make our whole family dress up together.
Stinkin cute raggedy Any btw! you have such cute babies!

kirstensblog said...

I love this neighborhood too! I hope you do the spook alley again, next year, Tiffany! Sounds like fun. I would have visited it, but didn't know. We didn't go trick or treating, just trunk or treating. I don't like trunk or treating as much. BORING. Treat. Next, treat. Next, treat. Blah. But I did have a really fun Halloween anyway. I was impressed that people really did take just one from our bowl on the porch. We do live in a neighborhood with a great spirit about it. Cute kids, by the way. Super cute.

Anonymous said...

I have a picture of Mitchell in that costume from a hundred years ago! Okay. Like 18. We'll have to put them side by side sometime. :) Cute kids!
P.S. I just fed your hamster so he should be good for awhile.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...