Saturday, May 3, 2014

What happens when boys outgrow dying Easter eggs!


I am sad when I don't get my blogging done! I don't know why I am not getting it done, but I am not. 

I am really really enjoying the few hours a day I get alone. I work on Math (I like Math, Darn it!) I work on my little art restoring my soul class (I love that class!)and I do laundry and a little cleaning. Just mom stuff

SO here is my darling girl on her way to Prom. Her good friend and I had to basically convince her to go. She didn't get asked (She DID NOT WANT TO GET ASKED, She said she couldn't think of a more awkward thing. She is so shy and funny!)but I just thought she should go with the other girls that were going stag. SO she did. She is such a simple girl. Almost a little too practical. She didn't want to spend much money and she didn't care for a fancy dress since she was going alone. So we found this one that could still be used for church. It was pretty! She fixed her own hair and she is just a cutie.

So new news on     the Lupus front. Because the medicine has not worked at all for Corey's Lupus and he is in terrible muscle pain, the Dr.s now think he has some sort of muscle something something that we don't know what it is yet. He is trying new meds and they are going to try to figure it out. It is very scary and very frustrating and he is very discouraged and tired of being miserable. It is hard and tiring on him and hard and tiring on me. It's jut a huge bummer.

I feel like since I am mostly out of school I have been nesting...I painted the boys room (that color looks awesome, actually!) I recruited my mom to make the curtains, and I FINALLY took down the old curtains I had in my living room and I picked out this funky tweety bird fabric that is sooooooo cute (and turquoise) and my mom sewed them for me today. THANKS MOM! So I am excited to put those up. I am determined to make a shelf and my dad helped make shelves for the boys room. I love getting stuff like that done. 

We decorated Easter Eggs with our family this year. It was a neat thing, we had never done that before. 

Nathan and Rhett and my cute Nephew Justine decided they were too old to decorated eggs. 

But they asked if they could have some just to throw at trees.

I couldn't deal with the waste of good eggs. But then I rethought and said if they wanted a FEW to do crazy boy stuff with, they could but they had to decorate them first. 

So they did. YAY me. Because I can't stand it when the kids don't want to do traditions.

Then they had a great time throwing them at each other instead. 

I love these boys. They are fun!

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