Friday, July 18, 2014

I am raising dog trainers and people trainers and strange bicyclists.

Having an intelligent dog is pretty fun. 

One of my favorite things to do it to teach my kids about animals and spend time with them and their animals. It has always been important to me to have pets. 

I have seen Brody's breed doing things on the dog shows like running through tubes and jumping through things, etc. So I told The boys we needed to teach him a routine. 

We decided to walk the plank. I use to do that with my little dog growing up and I was so proud that She knew how to do it.

Brody was nervous for some reason (He could jump OVER it if he wanted!) but by the next day he had it down.

I loved watching the boys work with him and it is fun to try to figure out how to get this dog to do what we want him to.

Of course Kate cannot be left out. She pretends to be a dog ALL the time and wants to be pet. She will often lick us as well!
Nathan and I took turns "training" her to walk the plank.

The boys are doing all sorts of scout camp outs! Since we live close to our church I just let Nathan ride his bike. He had to bring it anyway for the camp out so why not!

It cracked me up to see him riding that way.

Off to the church!

I am one final away from being done with my math class. I enjoyed it so much. I love the kids I get to go to school with. All so sweet and fun. 

Ummm....I finally decided I needed to watch 24. I have been renting them from the library. I like watching TV that way. You don't have to be left hanging from week to week.

I love Jack Bauer. I just can't help it. I like it when he uses his gun to steal a car and he says thank you. And I adore a soft spoken man. And he always talks so soft. Even when he is being tortured, or killing someone. And I like that he still called the X- Presidents wife "Mrs" the whole time he was dealing with that wicked gal. He is a very polite person even under the worst circumstances. Very cute. 

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...