Sunday, July 6, 2014

I think I sort of liked camping! Only for a minute.

Despite some of Bo's speech delays and learning delays because of his ADHD, he is really VERY smart. He is always asking questions and is is soaring through books now and tested really good in math at school. I keep seeing this FB link to an article about why the French don't have ADHD. I read it. It made sense in some ways. IT was about better parenting if I recall correctly. And I am most definitely probably too burned out laid back of a parent. But you can ask anyone who knew Bo before his medicine versus now and they will have to admit that he is a whole different boy. He can learn now. He can listen and sit still to learn. He is a darling boy. 
This weekend we went camping and he got car sick on the ride home. He threw up so I had to hold him the whole way home so the cool air conditioning blew in his face. We both fell asleep that way. I just like him so much.

The other day he was curious about how one made donuts. I was telling him the little I knew about it and then I told him we could make them at our house. I think he was skeptical.

So one night I surprised him and we made them with our dinner. I'm not an expert but I bought these...

And mixed sugar and cinnamon

and then this came about!

a great little doughnut!

Then Corey wanted doughnut holes....

 Then after that the kids wanted to do it themselves and they started creating doughnut bars and baby donuts and all sorts of things. And we also had to get out powder sugar. Bo was super disappointed I didn't have frosting.

The baby dough nut and the big doughnut.


I almost liked camping.

I went for THREE NIGHTS!!!!! I knew I had to go. There was nothing to keep me home (I even asked for work off) and I had to be with my children.

I actually sat there for a bit and thought "Hey! I like camping!!!!!" I had books to read and crafts for the kids and it was beautiful surroundings, not too hot. I even had a shower in the middle of the wilderness with some batter operated shower Corey has.

BUT...the mosquitoes practically ruined every minute of it. They did. They are miserable little terrible things. Me and each of the kids probably have over a hundred each. There was NO stopping them. We had every mosquito repellent you can't think of. They are big fat blood sucking devils.

And the other thing that bugged me were these little bugs. I am not scared iof them for one second depite their pinching little mouths. But they chatter. Like non stop. And there are trillions of them. And they chatter and my ears just hummed the whole time up there. Drove me crazy. The kids didn't even notice them.

Really, other than those two items, I had a mostly good time.

The first night I froze and Rhett insisted it was my blow up mattress. So he swindled me into trading for some practically non-exsistent pad. But I wasn't cold after that. And I treated my two littles to hot rocks from the fire in their sleeping bags and they loved them.

This is the crazy bug that makes all those chattering noises. I wast trying to do my math notes for my final and the kids got him to go by me for a visit. They totally want to freak me out. Bugs just don't.
 see his crazy little pinchers? I thin he must eat wood.He wasn't mean.

So Rhett informed me he could keep a cheese ball in the air.

See???? He did it!

Kassidy and Justine bought a hammock for their dad for father's day. Kate and I had some good swinging time and she loved us taking weird pictures of ourselves.

Cheese ball tongue!


Her bullet that she found.

We all had to wear our hoods to keep away from mosquito. I told Justine she looked like she had a long beard.

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