Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kate needs dentures!

Kate had to have ANOTHER tooth pulled. A second molar. Right next to the other one. So she will have a huge gap there. She had infection all in this molar also. 

This girl is pretty brave though. She just handles it all including the shot. 

This was the molar that already had a space savor attached to it. You can see it in x-ray.

Of course she does have to make sure they give her EVERYTHING she requests. 

Gloves, gas with her choice of mask, glasses, cartoons, and a special blanket that she somehow knew was available. 

 Getting the shot. She was SOOOOOO good. 

She seriously is a crack up. She knows exactly what she wants and she is GOING to get it!

Later when she was home she wanted to swim in our pool. I told her no. I thought it might be bad idea with open gum wound. But what do I know! I she wanted me to call the dentist. I told her she could. And she did! lol. Told them her name, asked if she could go in the pool, got her answer yes, and then was off. 

She's funny. 

Not much blogging going on. I'm just tired. of the heat. Of fighting children.

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Hello, my old friend.

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