Monday, August 4, 2014

happy days

Poor Jack Bauer!!!! He just can't catch a break. Why can't his girlfriend understand that he had to let her husband die to save the world.....again? I mean, SHEESH.

And Chloe!!!! very odd girl but I like her, darn it! I think that was the plan all along.

And WHY is the President SO mad that he couldn't do his job so the old President did and now he doesn't like the way he is doing it? But he wasn't able to do it himself because it was too much pressure? Come on! Buck up!

So we have a big old pool in the back yard. I use to LIVE IN FEAR that someone would drown. The kids are all tall enough to have their heads out of the water and they all have really learned to swim pretty well from the pool. They play and play out there.

I got Bo and Kate each a dollar store whale. I caught this cute picture of them out there both laying on their whale and swimming around together. It was cute.

Brody runs laps around the pool the whole time they are in it. He is so weird! Look at them all cute and pleasant being whale trainers... No worries that the whales only lasted about two days because they came from the dollar store.

Kate slept one night in this box. She told me she was going to and she did. Also she informed me that the Tooth Fairy was MEAN because she had forgotten so many times to get her tooth. So sad!!!! But the tooth fairy wrote her some notes and Kate especially liked it that the tooth fairy had a boyfriend name Bernard who was also a fairy. All was well after that. Who can be mad at Bernard?

These are before Kassidy left but my heart be still. Brings me such joy to see the kids with their cousins having fun together.

And the little kid cousins which include two second cousins!!! So fun that the family is repeating itself! Brings new love and life to the family.


 The girlie who made ma an Aunt. I was so happy to be an Aunt. 

Corey's sister Traci!

Grampie (Corey's brother) snoozing with Sage.

In case you are concerned.... I still hate the summer heat. The kids made me go in the pool a few times. It was freezing but we actually had a blast. We play this game called toilet bowl. We all walk one direction and pretty soon the tide just swishes us around. And it is FUNNY!

K, I'm super tired. night.

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Hello, my old friend.

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