Saturday, August 9, 2014

Seriously, doing good deeds pay off!

Tonight Nathan wanted me to go rent Divergent. I guess it is fairly new because it has not been in the Red box for the last few times I have checked. Tonight I drove him to TWO red boxes to find it. 

It was 8:56 and a man was in line behind us to return a movie. I offered him a chance to go before us so he could return his movie as there is a late fee past nine. 

He was appreciative and then it was our turn. Divergent was there! We were so happy. Later in the car Nathan told me the guy I let go first had returned it. Nathan saw it! I had to high five him. We felt pretty cool.

When we dropped Kassidy off to her mission we toured some church buildings. This painting was in one of them. I really really loved it. I sometimes wonder if I have all these people helping to hold me up. I'm a pretty big scaredy cat. I would often picture my sweet Grandpa Chapple protecting me from my fears from the other side.

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Hello, my old friend.

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