Monday, November 24, 2014

I adore words.


I have spent my whole life practically in love with words. And quotes. And statements. And sayings. And thoughts.

I collected them when I was young, I put them on my bulletin board, wrote them in books, collected them, "pinned" them, put them on my vision board, decorated my house with them. 

My dad one day came in my house and didn't get it. Why I hung sentences up in my house. He didn't get it. 

But I did so it didn't matter.

I displayed things like...

Kindness counts, 
It is what it is, 
It's more important to be good than popular, 
 Be still.
Simple Abundance.

I don't know. But they sing to me. 

So imagine how very excited I was to find this DARLING new friend (friend through loving her mission and jewelry so now I'm claiming her as a friend) and her FABULOUS company.

She donates a TON of her profit an organization that saves humans from sex trafficking. It's amazing.

I bought a few of these cuffs. Because these words soothe and honor and show love to my soul. My very favorite thing is when other people want to read them and it does the same for them as well. 

Today....I took a step. All on my own. I thought it would kill me. But I lived. But not without heartbreak. It was a day of great loss for me, but still, great opportunity. A day of grieving. Deeply. And a day of being filled with so much love I cry over it. Sometimes letting go hurts so much. Even if it is the right choice. 

(btw...this has nothing to do with marriage. I know it sounds that way.) 

I'm grateful tomorrow to wear this to give me some love.

And I am thankful tonight to remember this. When things hurt it is because I am being and have been redeemed. (This cuff has a special purpose. Check it out HERE )

 I am grateful for Lisa and her God inspired company. I think it's beautiful, and worthy of notice. Please check it out.

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