Thursday, June 10, 2010

I have been led to my newest potential passion!

It won't be able to take place for a while yet as I am still in the trenches with the little people, but very soon you will find me building. Yep, building! Very soon!

Check out my newest, favoritest, coolest, dang coolest, blog.

Knock-Off Wood

I want to make every single thing in here! EVERY SINGLE THING! Especially the glorious, swaying, outside bed!!!!! I have always enjoyed wood work. I showed you pictures of my rabbit hutches. So very proud of those! I love sawing and messing with wood. But I have no skills and am not good enough to make anything more than a rabbit hutch....YET! I am dreaming of making some stuff!!!!

Garden Boxes...

A tall fort.....

A swaying bed in which to read on.....

A loft bed....

A bed with cubbies under it (yes! I have a pattern now)

A bench for the fish tank I am saving for...

A bench for flower pots to sit on...

Lawn furniture...

I got all sorts of plans and it feels good! Although I deeply mourn the possible end of my babyhood days, I am excited for the thought of some time in which I don't have to follow a little person around all the time.

I gotta get me some power tools!

Also I should mention the cute girls who led me to this blog....They have a cool blog of their own...Check it out!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mary said...go for it, I've been given power tools as gifts in the past..
Aine said...No fair - now I've wasted 2 hours looking at things I will never make... lol

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