Monday, June 28, 2010

Mother of the year award goes to........ not me.

Today I was having a super great time watching my boys game of pitching machine. Until it dawned on me that only one of my boys was actually in the game. The other had been left at home held hostage by computer games. I assumed he had ridden his bike to the park. When we left the house he wasn't in sight. Took me about 20 minutes to realize my own kid wasn't there. I looked like a stellar parent when I had to admit he wasn't there and drive home to get him.

The kid who DID make it to the game on time

My late arriver

My little catcher! Makes me proud. Never thought I'd have a kid who'd love to be the catcher. Don't know much about sports but I think she might be good! She about roasts to death in her outfit.


Pirate Princess said...

Oh, that NEVER happens to me. N-E-V-E-R.

I gave up years ago on the mother of the yr award - Russ said I didn't have a chance.

And just think - she's hot here, but down South, she'd be hotter! lol!

Pirate Princess said...

Oh - and I broke down and I am following you now. I thought you'd get a giggle out of that. :D

Unknown said...

Ha ha! This is great, just great! that is what i love about you Sus. This was a VERY good way to begin a day.

Anonymous said...

Larissa said...That is hilarious. I am glad I am not the only one who didn't make Mother of the Year.

Nancy said...You are so funny! I would have just let him miss the game! You are still Mother of the Year to me!

Susan said...For some reason when the kids miss their fun activities it BREAKS my heart.

C. Kent said...Second time you did win the award: I remember when we came out to the van in Orem and both realized we had left Justine sitting in the heat while we visited my mother. Poor kid was sweaty and stressed and puzzled what was going on.

Susan said...I thought we were keeping that a SECRET!!!

Nancy said...I had forgotten about that!

C. Kent said...I had forgotten it was a secret. Trouble with us perfect people stumbling along

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...