Monday, June 14, 2010

T-ball Happenings....

Today I was truly a T-ball mom....Here was my day...

  • I was following Kate every where because she needs constant supervision. She ran unexpectedly (to her) into Bo. She was so happy to see him. They gave each other a great big hug. Bo's hug was a little more brotherly with some pats on the back and a "I got to get playing" attitude but it was PRECIOUS.
  • My poor Rhett today didn't get any hits. A few games like that and it is so easy to have all your confidence shattered. Then it seems like you can go a while without hitting anything! It is hard to go from the T to the pitching machine even when you have done it for a few seasons.
  • Nathan got a bunch of good hits. He seems to be very consistent.
  • I sat in a chair a ways away from all the moms, so my social hour was shot, but I had to sit where I could see Kate at the park. At one point I had Kate on one knee and Bo on the other and we were watching the game. I showed them that Nathan was hitting and talked with Bo about him going to first base. Hoping Bo can grasp the idea of the game and get a little more into it for his game. Kate's cute little chubby toddler body sitting on my leg was a memory I want forever. Love those little toddlers. When it was Rhett's turn I yelled "go Rhett" and she yelled the same thing and clapped and it is just a dang good life with these little kids.

  • Went to Justine's game. She plays catcher. She LOVES it. I am not sportsy so I don't really know but she seems to be getting pretty good. She and the pitcher are a great team together. I almost started bawling (for reals) when I saw her catch a crazy high ball. She had to really go for it and I was so proud. Didn't get the girl out in time but I didn't care. I was going to cry. Caught it with one hand stretched way up high in the air.
  • Felt extra old as I was pushing kids in the swing with a few young moms and they were like "wow! you have six kids?" and they were all shocked and horrified.... "How old are you?"
  • Lost a kid at the park for a while. But he found his way home. Ha.

  • Bo got a kid out! Astonishing and shocking I know, but true. Then the little kid cried and because we wouldn't want to hurt self esteem they let him stay on base. That is how it is played at that age. Then Bo cried. Argg. Those little kids have no idea what is going on! It is a CIRCUS! A friend got some hilarious pictures of me trying to coach. Someday when I get them I will post them. They consist of me in the out field with my hand on my head thinking "what in the world is going on out here...." and me trying to help a kid and almost knocking him off his feet. Great day!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Nancy said...What a girl! Coaching and attending games. You are a good mom and the kids will always remember these good times!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...