Friday, June 18, 2010

Why must it be this way?

Dear Blogging,

How I miss thee. How I miss the fun times we have had together talking about my crazy life raising children. How I miss your gentle way of releasing my anxiety through words. How I miss the laughing we have shared and the exposing of all my stupidity.

Some day I will come back to you. I really want to tell you about my vein explosion and suprise Corey with news that will make his heart sore. And no, it is not that I have made my hysterectomy appointment. Isn't hysterectomy such a yicky word? Bleck.) It is in regards to someone he loves, William Wallace. And I also want to tell you about about the two cute things my nieces have said. And about my beautiful son who is almost taller than me now. Have I ever mentioned that I love heigth and I think tall people are superior? (Apparently heigth isn't a word. I can't find it on spell check) I also want to talk about my son and his TWO forms of dyslexia. And how I am still mad. Oh yeah... and I want to tell you about Brett Michaels and Cat Stevens and have you seen Zac Efron on the cover of people? Suddenly he has turned into a man! I was a little horrified, frankly. And also I need to tell you about the fabulous change in my daughter regarding books and movies. Remind me about all those items later. And about Chinese food.

Anyways, I hope to get back to you soon my blog friend. I have been suffering in silence without you. Frowny face. Until we meet again...

Love, Susan


Anonymous said...

Don't leave me out here on my own! You are my entertainment and make me laugh when I read your stories! Come back sooooooon....

Pirate Princess said...


Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...