Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My blogging woes...

I love to blog! I do! It is so fun and I love documenting "me" for my kids.

I had a neighbor die a few years ago. She was only a year older than me. It broke my heart. It broke my heart knowing her little children would grow up without her. Would their memories of her fade?

I have heard my Glenny say his mom died when we was around 13. His memories were few of her if. It scares me to death.

All this time I invest in these little people. They are my world, and for especially the littlest ones, I am their world. I don't want them to ever not know me.

So here's to documenting my life and my personality and my thoughts on things. Especially my unhealthy interest in reality TV show stars and other public figures...

(Did you see Bret Michaels in Celebrity Apprentice? Loved him to death! He was so cute!)

Having said all that...

It may be hard to find time to blog this summer.

We are only 2 days in and I have already...

Given out 3 groundings...

Given out two punishments of doing jobs (Rhett made the little kids dinner and mowed the lawn)...

made the kids plant the garden (awesome)...

Went to two different Dr. appointments...

deep cleaned a bedroom (the boys are atrocious)...

coached the most hilarious four year old t-ball team (they love to sit in the out field)...

been annoyed by the U.S. census bureau....again....

orthodontist appointment... $4,000 in braces coming our way soon...

two more baseball games...

cleaned up throw up (sorry for that)...

went to girls camp meeting...

stayed up until midinight..again...waiting for teen to come home....

Tried a feeble attempt at normal household chores...

and got out summer shorts!


So please forgive me if I can't get my blogging done while my life interferes for the summer.

Sad, I know.


Pirate Princess said...

The census came around and annoyed us too!! UGH!

As for blogging during the summer - relax and do what you can. They'll remember you playing with them too. =)

Janetlee said...

Gosh! You just blogged my life as well. No groundings yet though, and the braces are coming off in a week, and I don't dejunk bedrooms anymore, just close the door.

Hello, my old friend.

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