Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kindness Counts! Nice matters! Sometimes grammar is hard!

Sometimes it is really scary to blog. I know people are critiquing my spelling, my grammar, my sensitive thoughts, my horrendous usage of comma's and over usage of dot dot dots .... in place of commas when I am confused when to use commas....and..... my lack of proof reading.

I know there are times when some posts are boring or weird or too religious or too family oriented or just not that funny.

But I keep reminding myself my reason for blogging. When I look back over my year plus of blogging I have an incredible amount of journaling for my posterity. I have things documented for my own mushy brain to remember. I could do it all in a private journal. And I hope there won't be a day when I regret putting my blog and feelings and privacy out there FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, but it really makes it so much more fun to write knowing others are reading and hopefully enjoying. Even if it is just my faithful mom and a few others who love me. I also love being able to add pictures with my journaling.

Anyway, I came across this concept the other day. I was led to it by a button I saw that said "I took the kind hearted blogger challenge and so can you!"

Basically the challenge is...Be nice to each other. And I love that. I am all for niceness. The cyber world can be MEAN and SCARY! I have read what they say about my Glenny! And it is harsh! I have heard stories from other bloggers who have been treated super mean via "comments".

Apparently the blogger that started this challenge some bad experience with some readers also so she decided to start this campaign. She has a lot of people committed. A LOT! That excites me. She changed the world a little. One bloggy at a time! Love it. Check it out at the link below!

The Kind-Hearted Blogger Campaign (sorry, I couldn't figure out how to post her button on this post!)

•create, inspire, and admire rather than compete with fellow bloggers
•be understanding of each other-- in the blogging community, as well as in the world
•stay away from internet/blogging bullying
•speak my opinion freely, while still being mindful of other's feelings-- be tactful.
•make an effort--no matter how big or small the gesture, to spread kindness or joy to others
•acknowledge that I will make mistakes, (I am only human) but remember to learn from them
•know that at times I will post about the negative stuff in life, and maybe even some complaining (I am only human) but I will always follow up with something happy/positive too.
•believe that this world is a good place, filled with good people.

Now lets go out there and be good to each other!


Pirate Princess said...

That's why I quit surfing blogs. I got sick of it all. I may not have bunches of followers, but I've got my own little corner of the world where I can be myself. That's important to me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mary said...your blogging comes from the heart..not a Grammar book.........I love dots too!!!!

Michelle said...Susan~ the only thing I "get" when I read your blogs is love, love and more love~ humor, sensitivity and a fun, honest perspective :) Now on top of all that, I'm going to notice dots which I never noticed before hahahaha (kidding ;) ) One of the wonderful things about you that I think draws people to you and makes them (me) feel so comfortable is how UN selfconscious you seem to be~ not in the sense of someone who doesn't care about stuff of course, but in the sense of you care more about what is REAL ♥ Grammar shmammer. I'm with Mary :)

Nancy said...Hope your day is going better! Love you, Lots and your blogging!

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