Friday, November 18, 2011

I learned how to make photos coolish!

The other night was a joy.

Our church went roller skating. I took all the kids.

I spent my time not in skates because I couldn't keep them up and myself. Everyone kept saying, "why are you not in skates?"

I'm thinking...does that really need to be explained?

#1) Its a hard fall for me these days.

#2) How can I keep two little people up and myself?

SO for the record....I CAN roller skate.

Ha ha...That reminded me last night I went downstairs to start the fire and Kate yelled at me

Her: "What are you doing?"

Me: "Starting the fire."

Her: "You can't do that! Only boys do that!"

Me: " girls can do it."

Argue...argue.... argue....girls can do it, only boys.

Her: "Well, I'm asking dad!"

Me: "You do that."

Silly girl!


Back to skating... it was such a sweet joy to spend some time with the little people in my family and to help them learn and try to skate.

And Kate was seriously in heaven.

She has been awfully bratty lately. Demanding, frustrated and more frustrating. Repeating the same questions 4000 times and not liking my answers.


Her: "Is grandma coming over?"

Me: (ha ha, I love this her, me, stuff) "Nope, not today"

Her: "YES SHE ISSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (only way louder than that.)

And we go through that truly no less then 25 times a day. Maybe even more.

Not sure what the deal is but we have been struggling a bit. I read a blog the other day and the lady said three year olds were not her cup of tea. Because her's was bossy and demanding, etc.... And I thought, I can relate. This little stage has not been my cup of tea.

So to be able to spend time with her doing something fun reminded me how super cute she was and we had a good night. And she really loved it.


I just need to slow down with her. Do some projects with her. Read to her. Life is just so busy.

And you know that whole stupid guilt ridden poem about cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.... Well, what if you like a clean house? Just to keep a little less chaos from swallowing your life? Or what if you want to watch some people's court? To have some quiet time? It's hard to do it all. But I love my girl and hope for less bossier, demanding times.

And some more times playing! In between commercials... Oh, I joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Megan said...I know how you feel! I was reading on a blog the other day that if you have a clean house then you're not giving your kids enough attention. I TOTALLY disagree! My little toddlers have all loved following me around with their own little and vacuums. I give them a rag when I clean the bathroom and they get to "clean" the sink. And guess what- now my children know how to clean and they are good at it. I'll get off my soapbox now! All I know is that for me to be a good mom I need a clean house and some alone time every once in awhile!!!

Melanie said...I can tell you that bossy little girls turn out to be bossy big girls. LOL. Bossy 19 year olds, bossy 40 year olds... just make sure she knows who's queen at your house and then you can enjoy watching her boss around her sibs, friends, etc. LOL.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...