Saturday, November 26, 2011

I prefer chocolate pie, thanks.

You all know of my one sided love affair with Glenny Beck...

Well, in all honesty, raw unadulterated honesty....He freaks the holy crud out of me.

He's beautiful to look at, and when he's funny he's dang funny, and when he's hugging me in Driggs, Idaho...well not more to say there, but when he is talking about the government and the decline of the economy...

I get beyond terrified. Cause I am already sort of a nut case to begin with.

He makes me do things like bottle FIFTY quarts of apple pie filling. And we don't like apple pie.

But it sure was a fun family day doing it.

Seriously, I don't have pictures of all the kids helping (how did that happen????) but the kids were FIGHTING over whose turn it was to work the apple corer.

And Kate had a great time stirring the apples in the bowl of water to keep them in the fruit fresh stuff...

And I let Bo use a knife the whole time and he sliced the apples after the kids peeled them and he did an awesome job.

And having all of those bottles of apple pie mix that were practically free made me oh so happy and reminded me why I love to can so much. Did you know there are people who aren't aware that canning is still done in the world? Weird.

Anyways, thanks to my friend Terri for helping me learn how to do apple pie filling and thanks to my parents who got me two free boxes of apples. And thanks to my MIL who taught me how to can in the first place, and the neighbors can thank me that I will be keeping these all to our selves since they were prepared with lots of kid help. I was thinking they could be Christmas gifts but after all the help... maybe not so much. I know the germs will cook away but what can I do about all the peels that accidentaly got thrown in!


Pirate Princess said...

Yeah, but Susan - you could probably use all that pie filling for trade if things got as bad as he says.

Just sayin'. You did a great thing... :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle said...Teach me, oh great one! And, I prefer chocolate pie, too~ but I'm thinking we'd grow to LOVE apple pie if that's all we had! That's awesome you guys did all that~ glad the kidlets had so much fun, too :)

Susan said...How do we bottle chocolate pie?!!! That is the question!

Michelle said...I think we're supposed to eat lots of it now and "store" it in other ways....yeah. *gets spoons* We've GOT to be prepared you know! I'm willing to do what it takes.

Wendy said...Wait! Do you really think Glenn Beck is beautiful to look at? Is that part of your thing with him?

Michelle said...Wendy, I don't know why exactly, but your comment made me laugh. out. loud.

Susan said...Yes. I think Glenn is very handsome thankyou very much!

Michelle said...He's not Hugh Jackman or anything, but he is attractive. But I'm pretty sure Susan only loves him for his personality *cough*

Wendy said...We've got to get you out of Idaho for awhile! I'm worried!! You're definitely coming to CA in February!

Susan said...Well, not everyone guy can be Hugh. He is on a level all on his own. Especially when he is also Wolverine! roar. Okay. This is getting weird. Ohhh! I hope I can!

Wendy said...Are you sewing a sampler of Glenn Beck's face? Because if you are, you won't need the poster i just ordered!

Susan said...ohh! Now there is a quiet book page idea!

Wendy said....Kate would be scarred for life!

Michelle said... ‎*peeing*

Michelle said...I'm still cracking up over the visual of Susan sewing a "sampler" of Glenn Beck's face bahahahhahahhaha That is deeeeelicious!

Susan said...You should have seen how happy my kids were for me when he hugged me. It was hilarious. I have a "pin" on how to print on fabric. I am going to have to figure out a glenny page. Just for fun.

Michelle said....He's a good, good man. I hope you are sewing a sampler of him :)

Susan said...I shall!

Viki said...Wow...sounds like I missed a funny conversation on guys crack me up! I say you draw an animé face of your Glenny..on felt! :)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...