Monday, February 20, 2012

Kids these days!

Sometimes the Internet can be so motivating. I saw this cool idea on it and decided that our family should start a new project. I'll post about the details in a few days.

So I am writing up a chart on massive poster board. Is it even worth doing if I can't make a fancy chart?

Rhett, whom is just such a fun kid (when he is being fun) came up to me to see what I was doing.

I do believe he is a typical kid in our society. Should I laugh or should I cry?

He says to me..."What's this for?"

Me..."100 Random acts of Kindness....You in?"

Him..."What do I get?"

Me..."A good feeling inside"


*walks away*


Gotta love it! Makes me remember I just have to keep on teachin' and preachin' to them! ;)

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