Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The roads are still safe, I promise.

Justine is just a crack up. She DID NOT WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE. At all. Justine could have already been driving by now but was too nervous. So I was so grateful when my good buddy had a daughter taking drivers ed and wanted Justine to join along as well.

I never had to take Drivers Ed. It wasn't required. My mom taught me in our church parking lot. It makes me crack up just thinking about it. I had to learn on a stick. Let's just say it was a bit of a jerky ride. For about two weeks. But now I can drive a stick like a pro. My mom was always patient I might add.

When my dad took me to get my drivers licence I remember being so upset because a brake light was out and I thought I would have to come back another day for my licence. But there was a mechanic close by and we were able to get it fixed right away. That was nice of my dad. I remember. Then during my test I stalled two times before I could even get going. The lovely drivers test guy said all gruff "You're going to have to do better than that!". Nice. But I passed.

Is it just written somewhere in the code of the universe that anyone pertaining to drivers licences have to be mean?

Justine also was so nervous about the written drivers education test. She thought she had failed the whole back page. She got 99 percent. Ha! (She's a smartie. I try not to brag but that girl got straight A's last semester! First time ever. Big accomplishment. So proud of her.) The only one she got wrong was because she put the decimal in the wrong place. But she knew the answer in her head.

Here she is with her drivers ed teacher Sherri. Nicest adorablest drivers teacher ever. Sherri said she had originally been worried about Justine because she knew how nervous she was. But that she was surprised at how well she did.

Justine was SO mad at me for taking a picture of her driving our van for the first time. But a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. Right? Now Justine keeps forgetting to bring her permit so she won't have to drive. Silly!

Love that girl!

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