Thursday, June 14, 2012

I am TERRIFIED! "Face your fears" Blah Blah Blah. Really...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!

That is the conversation I am having in my head today. And I am also saying Kristopher's famous "I don't like it, that's okay, I can take it anyway." I know that is so cheesy but it rhymes and is easy to remember and I am assuming that is its purpose. So that when my brain say BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,....I can hurry and think of "I don't like it that's, blah, blah, okay, I can take it anyway." Your brain can only think of one thing at a time so Kris asks me to choose what that one thing is. And instead of saying "I'M TERRIFIED" I say, "I don't like it...."you know the rest.

And I know it seems nutty but it really is not. I am not a huge fan of weird, nutty things. That is why I know this isn't nutty. Because I am a fan of Kristopher's theory. And I think it works. And it calms me down and helps me cope with things like..............................

Starting a NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crikes!!!!! I'm  TERRIFIED (I don't like it that's okay....)!!!!! I haven't worked in a batrillion years! Not for pay at least.

So here is how it all went down.

Corey and Susan decided upon having a batrillion kids not realizing that when they grow up they suck the living life blood (and other things) straight out of you, AND all of your money....every last penny and then some. And they also didn't realize that gas would  cost a BATRILLION dollars. Or peanut butter. Or apples. Or that one single van could break down a batrilioon times. And that Susan would have a real liking for nice shoes. Specifically for Keens.

So now that our littlest is growing up a bit and our bank account is steadily growing down, I decided I might need to work a bit, although I never want to replace my main job as mama. So I have been very torn. How do I do both. Can I do both? Should I do both? Should I just go back to school and get a career? Or just work a little job to get by? I have been very torn. And I never wanted to work. I am scared of letting my  priorities on my little chicks wane. So I am starting here with this step. And seeing how things go.

Anyway, I applied for a job at the kid's school. Had a very fun interview. But the job was offering three days a week. Three days where I would have to find a place for Kate to be babysat. Also I still want to be free to drive Nathan to orchestra again and that job was not necessarily going to allow that. Also.. I was going to enjoy some quiet preschool hours. Remember? Also, it wouldn't give me any income over the summer. But it would be a nice job.

So at the exact same time as the school interview, Corey treated me to fantastic shoes for my 40th (CRINGE) birthday.(I still have to post picture of my PARTAY!) I have not had a pair of new shoes in FIVE years. My philosophy is buy them nice and then don't worry about it for years. And that is what I did. I am also a size 11!!!!! My feet have grown two sizes with all these kids! It is nuts. So it is hard for me to find shoes. I have worn my pair of Keen sandal for five years and LOVED them. But it was time for new. And for my fortieth birthday I wanted new sandal and  I just also really wanted some funky pair of cool shoes.

We went to the shoe store to order them and we noticed they were hiring. We joked about it at first because being a shoe salesmen is sort of funny. Thank you, Al Bundy. But then I thought more....I like nice shoes! And there would be a discount involved....and the most important thing...The shifts were  6 very long days a month and that would be it. Same amount of hours as the school position. But Corey would be available more for the hours at the shoe store because of his work schedule. (The down fall is working some Saturdays)

I decided the hours appealed to me and I applied. Didn't hear much back. My application had basically no work experience on it. A few weeks later we go in to pick up my shoes. I mentioned to the manager/owner that I applied. After chatting and joking about my new funky shoes and chatting about my love for Keen he started asking me a few interview type questions.

A bit later I joked if I should wait to pay in case I get an employee discount. We laughed. Then he said I really should and come back in an hour after he had a real interview with someone. "I was going to call you." He told me. Ya right! But I think after he met me he liked me. So we go back a bit later and when I walked in he asks me if I wanted employee discount and I said "YES" and I had the job. WEIRD!!!! and....go me!

It happened so fast and so casual and so weird that I don't even know have the details that are important...Such as....can I have the days off for girl's camp that I need..... how much commission do I make?

I don't know! It just felt right, I like nice shoes, Corey and I like the hours, we need to put gas in our cars and the guy seemed to like me.

So I am now employed. I stat tomorrow. Did I mention... I AM TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my new shoes though....

Don't even tell me they are ugly. I think they are the cutest things ever. I am getting more.

What? I have to dress the part, right? Can you say business expense? I know, my feet are huge.

My feel are literally so comfortable I feel like they are a swaddled baby in a bed. Did you know these sandals have some sort of anti feet stink magic about them? I'll fill you in after I learn it. But they are the reason I wear Keen. No lady wants her feet to stink that's for darn sure!

And Corey has been MAD with jealousy because my new boss gave me a free pair of socks (18 dollars!) to test out to sell. MOST comfortable socks ever! I wore them every second on my sick bed the other day.

Corey wants these sock like you wouldn't believe. Ahhh, the joy of wearing them is all the sweeter.

They are left and right socks. Yep. I am moving up in the world.

Anyways, Corey also bought me a new shirt for work. It matches my funky shoes. I have lost 16 pounds. That's something, right? What is up with my short squaty legs? RUDE! you know where to go for your shoe fitting. Did I mention I have an aversion to touching feet? I haven 't decided what to do about that problem yet. Would gloves be offensive?


Terri Porter said...

We need to discuss fashion.

I Gotta Try That said...

Too funny Susan! You will do great. Good luck!

Melanie Keyes said...

I love love love the blue ones. I was in there last week to get my new hiking boots and it was soooooo hard walking out without those blue sandals!!

Jennifer said...

You look far too young and stylish to be 40. Hope you had a great birthday!

Don't bemoan not doing a joy school preschool thingy. I did this past year, and there was so much DRAMA from one of the other mothers that I almost didn't want to continue, especially when my son picked up on all tension. I'm glad Kate is excited. We're in the same phase of life with toddler demands finally fading away. It truly is sad and joyous at the same time.

Susan said...

Viki said...You will be great! Have fun!

Mary said...Go YOU-Stylin,' looking good Susan...and a job outside the home, of luck , they will LOVE you!!

Megan said...Congrats! I like having something of my own away from the kids and husband. It's also nice to have my own money :) You never mentioned what shoe store it is .... BTW- You look FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work!

Wendy said...Congratulations!! I love the shoes, AND you look FANTASTIC!! Things are swinging your way, sister!

Ronda said...You are such a people person, they will love you! Congratulations ♥

Nancy said...Hooray for you! I love your shoes. I am sure you will be a great employee.

Cathy said...Congratulations Susan! You will do great! Good luck!

Tiffany said...YEAH!!!! Way to go. You will love having something outside of the house. You will do great and I love your pic. Looking good :)

Michelle said...YOU ARE AMAZING!! :) That whole post made me SO happy! I LOVE the picture of you!! You are beautiful! I even loved your shoes~just because they make you happy and comfortable :) Slay those dragons! (and I'd have to wear gloves too. Offensive or not hee hee) My feet are the size of kayaks, so I'll come in and let you size mine and then you'll feel much better about yours. Aren't I nice? I'll do all the touchy stuff so you don't have to worry :) The shoe store people and the customers are going to absolutely LOVE you btw~ knock 'em dead!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...