Monday, June 11, 2012

Kate is moving on up! And spell check was broken.

Like most mothers, I am not very good at declaring what I need.

I had dreamy glorious visions o f doing home preschool with Kate. My last little kidlet, a sweet little girl. We could do a craft a day and I would be her teacher. Doesn't it sound lovely? But my mental state just could not honestly take it.

So I decided to do "joy" school with some friends. Where we all take turns with each other's kids. But my mental state just honestly couldn't take it.

So in a tearful, crying behind my hands, freaking out, "attack" I demanded from Corey, preschool. He would rather see the money go elsewhere and so would I. But I told him it has to be. It just does.

So he signed her up. She is beyond thrilled. The thought of going to school with a real live backpack, after witnessing all her siblings go off to school, just means such an adventure for her. She is thrilled.

I wish I was the cute little mom who could home preschool my last lovey dovey little girl. But I just for reals can't do it. I am f.r.i.e.d. As in F.R.I.E.D. Corey, in typical caveman fashion, asked what I would do during that time. I said....Fold quiet. Do quiet. Clean quiet. quiet.

I just need some quiet.

It felt sort of good. To do something big for myself like that.

My life is drastically changing. Chapters of raising babies and toddlers are completely gone. It is heartbreaking and joyous. It is so weird to be moving on after so long. It was such a happy fulfilling time of life. I am so glad to see who my children are becoming. Which I have realized I have absolutely zero control over. That just makes it all the more fun!

Kris says to face my fears. Why? Why do I have to do that? If I face them and it works out then I can see the point. But if I face them and fail....why do I have to face them. :(  I'll explain more in another post what all that jibberish means.

I have been in bed sick all day. It has been sort of fun. Watching movies on hulu and having Corey stay home from work to care for our other sickies. Don't tell him.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mary will never fail, because you love and care so much...there is no failure in that:)I am happy for you and Kate.

Michelle said...remember: making mistakes and learning and growing from them is always preferable and more productive than doing nothing at all ♥ Fear and discouragement are satan's tools to keep us from everything empowering and good and enlightening; so yes, face those fears~ look them square in the eye and tell them who's boss! It is liberating beyond belief! I've done it. I still have many yet to face. But there is always something better on the other side of the fear; it almost seems like the ugliness of the fear is directly proportional to the beauty on the other side! Failure is giving up~ it's doing nothing. You are a fierce warrior woman! And you can do ANYTHING ♥ I hope you feel better quickly~ I wanted to come take care of you a little, but we're leaving tomorrow morning. Kate is going to LOVE preschool! You are wonderful for knowing what is best for you AND for her~ you're not doing either of you any favors trying to fit into a mold that doesn't serve you ♥ I love the image of you just enjoying some peace and quiet! It will give you room to breathe and grow! Love you friend~ be kind to yourself always ♥

Nancy said...Ditto what Mary said! Life is changing for you and it will be great! Love you. Feel better soon!

Mary said...How are you today, better I hope!

Susan said...Yep! I think I am on the mend.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...