Sunday, June 10, 2012

Picture overload. Sorry. Bad camera still. Sorry.

Summer has slowed down my blogging! So I am playing a bit of catch up. Almost our whole family is sick today. Justine was supposed to give a talk at church but had to miss. Bo gave Kate's "talk". She hasn't felt well for three weeks. The Dr. says it is just a cold. Sad little thing. Her voice is all squeaky and cute. Our van is still struggling to stay alive. We never know when it is going to quit. We borrowed my dad's truck for a whole week. That was great fun. We got the van back from the shop (again) and it died (again).

Oh well, right? It is what it is.

Nathan has the sweetest little seventh grade teacher ever. She always goes above and beyond. Each year the class does a play. Shakespeare none the less. The dialog is a great challenge. The kids put so much personality into it. It was a joy to watch.  Nathan's character was Philostrate. He did most excellent!

The class all works together on the props and costumes and choreography. So cute.

  Nathan in brown coat

Nathan was so amused by the play he was smiling during some of the scenes. I thought it was so cute.

The cast!

Corey enjoyed the play as well.  Don't worry. He woke up for Nathan's lines.


Susan said...

Mary said...The play looks like it was time have Corey drink a lg. Dew beforehand!

Suzanne said...Hmm... why does that last picture (of Corey) NOT surprise me? LOL!! What a fun play for Nathan! It's always a good sign when they smile during the performance. =)

Megan said...I would have loved to see that play! Nathan is getting so grown up - he's a cutie :)

Kim said...Um, I see the dad behind Corey is also sleeping. Too funny!
The play looks cool.

Susan said...I know! hilarious!

Nancy said...Sorry we missed it!

Tiffany said...I always love when you add so many pictures:) Hope you all get better.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blogs! (I wonder what George Washington would imagine if he read this declaration) Someimes I feel sad when I think that I no longer have a reason to run into you and Deann Munns and Nancy Bennett and so many great people who love in Iona! Maybe someday we will buy that darling red and white victorian house behing the park and live happily ever after... but I would really miss my neighbors and friends here in Ucon. So I will just keep enjoying your Blog. (It really is a funny word)
Sally L

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...