Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If you need the toes of your shoes shilacked....I'm your girl.

Hi friends, (spell check didn't work...again. What's up?)

Just thought I'd up date you on my job. (WEIRDEST thing ever to have a real live job!)

By day two of working I was super FREAKED out! It was so HARD. I seriously felt like I needed a college degree in workmen's boots. I was really questioning whether I cared to fill up my limited brain energy with facts about gortex, membranes, steel toe, composit toe, line men boots, and whether the shoes might be in the trailer, back room, or truck.  (Don't know what any of that shoe babble means? Welcome to the club.) And... a customer actually took delight in harassing me. Grr.

At the end of day two when Corey picked me up I started crying and had to go home and have a major nap. I was worried this was not going to work out.

I felt guilty and stupid for all the times Corey had worked all day and I expected him to jump right in and relieve me from my stressful day.

So then I went back the following week and worked with the THIRD nicest coworker ever. I honestly can't believe how nice these guys are. Gus was fun to talk to, very kind in teaching me, AND most importantly, shares my love for Neil Diamond.

I worked Friday and Saturday with him and by the end of Sat night I was hanging in there and feeling much more competent. So hopefully things will continue to work out. A man came in wearing SIZE 20!!!! We couldn't even sell him shoes. I felt quite bad for him.

Also I had a bit of a reminder of what I really care about career wise.... A larger cute lady came in who needed shoes for work. Her legs were incredibly swollen she said from having a vitamin D deficiency. I have basically recovered from the grossness of touching feet. I just keep thinking....these are God's children. Who cares. This lady couldn't really bend over to get her sock on and off so I helped her and helped her get her shoes on.  She thanked me for my help. I was far more concerned about her medical condition then her shoes and I enjoyed helping her and it just reminded me that if I am going to spend time working it really needs to be in a way where I can help people. But for now I will keep the shoe job because it is the least intrusive on my life as a mother.

I have still been seeing Therapist Kristopher. I think it must be helping because I have lost 20 pounds. Dealing with stuff must be healthy for you. I was astounded today at his insight and wisdomy words. I really appreicate him so very much.

I am in charge of the crafts for our church girls camp. They are going to be GREAT! I will show you pictures later. I have so much to  blog but so little time with all the kids home and our summer happenings. Be patient with me!

To close this blog let me share with you a picture of MY OWN application of something I can't remember the name of. It is some kind of something that coats the toes of men's work boots. It hardens and helps the toes last longer. I have been very impressed with the terribly HARD labor of these men and some women. Seriously HARD. Didn't I do a great job? Nathan, my co-worker, taught me.

Corey think I am so cool. For some strange reason this is his dream job.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Michelle said...I have a thing about feet, too. But I get what you're saying about getting over it~ it's one thing when it's abstract; it's another thing when there's a real live human being in front of you who needs your help. As I was reading about you helping that woman, I got the image of the Savior washing the disciple's feet. It's the little things that make the biggest changes and show the greatest love sometimes, isn't it? I'm going to say you did a fabulous job on those boots, even though I have absolutely NO idea what a good job looks like hahaha I am so happy you work with nice people! And Kate was an absolute sweetie pie today! She did great! And I really enjoyed meeting your parents :) Okay I'm done now. As you were ;) (PS: size TWENTY??????? *THUD*)

Tiffany said...I get excited every time I see you posted a new blog!!!! Great job keeping up in the weight loss!!! That is awesome. I think this new job is great for you!!!! You only grow and learn when outside your comfort zone. You can do it:) As for helping people...I think the lady you helped today...you helped more then find shoes. I am thinking she went home thinking about her. You left you imprint on her soul.

Susan said...You guys are sweet!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...