Thursday, June 28, 2012

Catching up.

There are a few family traditions that I have been so grateful for. Making each kid there very own scrapbook for the first year of life and every year there after? Not so much.

Last day of school party with pizza and homemade awards? YES WAY! This year we did home made pizza. The kids like doing that.

The daddy passes out the kids awards and we cheer for them. The kids love it. I do it because I hate when they have award ceremonies at school and my kids don't get any. So we just started doing our own and it has been a great thing.

(something is not right about my picture wall btw. What is it?)

And lest you think I am super mom... here is what the kitchen looked like after our party! And I probably went to bed and left it like that! Just keeping life with six kids real here.

I have been contemplating things like crazy today. I hate to be vague but I have been learning some things in therapy that have got me thinking like crazy. It's confusing and enlightening all at the same time. With therapy you really just don't want to take what they (even if they (he) might be the most insightful person on planet earth) say as gospel truth. You have to make sure it is true for you. And that can be a struggle. To know how to apply the things you are learning and if you should apply it. I go to therapy and then I think for the whole next week about our discussions and then I sort out what is true and what works for me and what is not applicable to me. Therapist are just people too. But I sure am appreciating mine.

Am I too open about this? Some of you may think I should keep this private? I don't care. I am just not a private person. As I have said before I am not ashamed to need some support and it is a privileged to be able to go.

Anyways, two girls with strep throat at our house again today. Bleck.

(This is nurse Kathy. She has been our nurse for 17.5 years now. She is great) Still haven't done anything about Kate's crazy hair. I am seriously considering a long buzz cut.

One messy house. Bleck. TONS of laundry (Only sort of bleck. (I like laundry) 

I started a gratitude journal. It has been really exciting me. I will show it to you tomorrow.

Here is the worlds smallest and cutest french fry package. I mean come on??? It's darling. Apparently they have shrunken the french fry size and added apples to happy meals. Works for me.

Don't you think anything miniature is super cute? I do.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Marcie said...Ha ha they all look happy about their pizza except Kassidy. Maybe she didn't get enough olives?

Jill said...How are you liking your job? That's fun with the awards! And smart whiting out kids last name on the certificates for your blog. :)

Nancy said...Super cute! Sorry the kids are sick!

Susan said...My job is mostly just fine. I like it but I do hate adding more chaos to my life. But it had to be.

Susan said...Kassidy is 17.5 years sick of me taking her picture! :)

Susan said...I try to white out names and cities and anything to too identifiable on my blog but I basically don't have much confidence that it makes much difference.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...