Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tales from the boot store

I am tragically sad about not getting my blogging done. I am SO busy as usual. The time away at work is kicking my butt. I am working more right now just to get through training and then it will settle down. It is nice to have extra money but it hurts a bit to be working and away from my chickies. But it is also saving my sanity a bit to have a change of pace. But I think I am old now and it is making me tired. I FELL ASLEEP in sacrament today! First time EVER! I was holding Bo who was also asleep and when I woke up after a WHOLE talk Corey was laughing and said  I snored. I SO don't believe him.

Here is my funny boss sewing up some boots.

It is pretty impressive that he can sew the boots. He works the sewing machine with a foot pedal. He was very excited to show me how to thread the sewing machine and when I told him I sewed quiet books he actually said cool and asked what kind of machine I have (I couldn't tell him!). He was telling me super serious information about his sewing when he popped on his sunglasses to use as eye protective wear (He wears those glasses on his head ALL. DAY. I just couldn't take him seriously because he was sitting there sewing in practically the dark (I lightened up these pictures) with sunglasses on. He is such a guy. It is funny.

I really like him though. I think I might be stupid at boot knowledge and some computer knowledge. He is always patient at teaching me again though. He insists I am doing fine and it is a lot to learn. He got after me for not having more positive thoughts (Do you think he sees my Kristopher on the side???).

He has also been leaving me alone a bit in the store. That freaks me out and I always tell him he is mean. He does it as a surprise! I think he doesn't like me fretting over it. It is scary to be alone because I can't always answer the questions the customers have because there are 5000 things to know about boots!

I am happy there are such nice bosses in the world. I am happy this is my first experience getting back into the work force.

Also... "sayings overheard from the boot store" from a customer... "If you are going to be dumb you better be tough!" Good one, huh!

I have a post I have been working on from girls camp...but until then...

This is one of the coolest, nicest, most down to earth peoples in the world. Her name is Aloni. At girl's camp she wore these boots with shorts practically the whole time. And I decided right then and there, when I lose all my weight I am going to buy a pair of funky boots. I just AM! I love Aloni's hair. It is like Justine's.

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Hello, my old friend.

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