Monday, August 27, 2012

The best 18th birthday present ever!

So Kassidy had her eighteenth birthday party the other night. It was a fun little night with some great teenagers eating dinner and watching a movie in the park. Kassidy wrote the invite and sent it via FB before I even had a chance to review it. She invited 110 peole....that cracked me up!

massive popcorn!!!

I hung these signs at school and her work...she loved it

getting ready for the movie

Kassidy's Aunt and Uncle stopped by. When they saw that all our little kids were mingling about with Kassidy's friends, her Uncle told me his sister would have died if her little siblings were at the party. I was happy that Kassidy is not embarrassed to have the whole family hang out and that her friends were sweet enough to not even seem to care.

I know teenagers get a super bad rap in life. I don't really see why so much. Maybe I am just around some really good ones. I like them. They are funny and nice.

AND....I just couldn't end the evening without a really great event happening. It was my present to Kassidy. The kids were sitting there watching the movie. I walked over to talk to her Prom date to tell him something about the lap top. I tripped over nothing and fell right in front of him and all the kids watching the movie. It was like a trip and roll on the grass thing. And then David (the prom date), Crystal (one of my favorite teens), and I, laughed and laughed and laughed. As I was laying on the ground from falling. Kassidy looked at me and said, "I don't know you". And we all laughed some more.

It. was. classic.

And super funny.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Kim said...You are so funny - such a great mom, too!
Linda Jensen said...Love you Susan!! You're the greatest!
Nancy said...All of us like to embarrass our teenagers a little! Love ya.
Kirsten said...Ha ha ha ha!!!
Sherri Nielsen said...You are the best!

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