Monday, August 6, 2012

Kristopher says....

I have so very much to write and just not enough time!!!!

It will be a relief when the kids are back in school but it will also add pressure to my life. Bleck.

I have so much I want to say about girl's camp. It was such a vacation for me. The girls we went with were the cream of the crop. Allowing us leaders to play and relax and have fun together. The leaders quickly figured out my adoration of Super Hero and it became a laughing fun time of "Kristopher says" moments as I shared all my new knowledge with them. We all had some fun over that.

But seriously...I have to share with you what Kristopher said today. It touched my soul. He has been teaching me this before and he has been exhibiting this with me at each session. His wisdom and actions are just so pure and good.

We were working on the whole thing..."What I hear you saying is..." and how that concept is important during communication because it allows the other person to feel like they have been heard understood, and empathized with.

Today Kristopher told me that when you are doing that and listening to the other person and giving them empathy and love for what they are saying you are actually doing what we were put here on earth to do and that is to work in Jesus' stead. Emulating to them the Savior. Giving to them the compassion and love and understanding that the Savior would give to them if He were here. And you should do that with your spouse, do that with your children, and do that with others in general.

Kristopher has done that for me. And me and my blogger friends have discussed what a gift that has been to me. And how I will love him forever because of it. And if we can all walk around giving that gift of empathy and understanding, and non judgement and love like that Savior would be giving to us....WOW! WOW!!!

Isn't he so wise? I told you all so! Doesn't it seem like I am receiving an upgraded standard of therapy? I  believe so. It is such a relief to be able to discuss things that are at the core of my foundation. The Gospel of Christ. Happiness.

I bought new salt and pepper shakers today. They were fake cassettes. Stinking cute.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Michelle said...Love you, Susan! Thank you for sharing that~ awesome stuff :)

Linda Hansen Holt Cassettes? Like tapes from the 80's? :)

Susan said...YES!!! They are so cute.

Susan said...only 3 dollas!

Linda said...Sweet! Did they have any Tears for Fears? Wham!? Hall and Oates? j/k You were actually probably like 5 when I was listening to those. Haha!

Susan said...ha ha. I loved Wham. They were just blank cassettes. black for pepper and red for salt. I should have posted a picture. Is this really all you got out of my blog post? ;)

Linda said...No. Haha! But it was the last little parting thought that got my scattered brain's attention! It was a really good message!

Jill said...Thanks for sharing!

Tiffany said...So what I hear you saying is that you bought the cutest little salt and pepper shakers that look like mini cassettes? :)

Susan said... YES!

Tiffany said...‎:)

SueAnn said...Oh how I miss the "Kristopher says..." moments! Where you brave enough to get the info? :)

Susan! The timing was not right. Don't worry, I will.

Kim said...Glad you've found a resource that is just right for you to help you process things.

Shellie said...can't wait to hear all about it!!!! And you know what I'm talking about :)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...