Thursday, February 13, 2014

I decided I need to write a quick blog for my own mental health.

I am going a bit crazy. And yes I know I have done to to myself so I probably don't deserve anyone's sympathy. I took nine credits knowing it was going to be crazy (for me, other's can handle it but nine for me is a lot) and it IS! And I am neglecting some important things and I don't know if it is even worth it....But at this point it is what it is and I just have to make it until April and then I am done.

I worked my butt off studying and comprehending and spending hours and hours of class, tutoring, and study group time, only to receive a grand old....

66% on my test.

Broke my heart. I cried and cried my whole drive home.

Gus, my coworker said that it happens sometimes. And it is okay. He is a student as well.

F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.N.G. I feel bad for the time I spent away from my mothering and housewifing duties to spend on it. I can't seem to get over the guilt. Does that mean I am making wrong choices?

AND to poor salt in my wounds I got a 25 dollar parking ticket!!!!!! For time spent to long in the stall. What the what???? I had no clue. I don't understand the parking rules at all. I am going to classes. Am I not allowed to park while I am in classes? IDK.

I have lots and lots of blogging to catch up on.

That's all for now. I had more to say but I forgot it all and I still have homework...

Oh yeah....I'll tell you the details later but on top of everything else (including ANOTHER MASSIVE TEST IN BIOLOGY on Thursday) I have to go in on Wed and have some procedure done under anesthetic in my esophagus. Nothing major, just a little cleaning of something down in there...(GROSS). BUT it apparently was just something else the found wrong with me and it is not associated with my crazy voice. My Dr. doesn't know what is wrong with my voice. Grr. It gets tiring talking with this voice all the time.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for any pressures I gave you.
As a student I got stressed the first semester and vowed to not let it get me again. It didn't,
I think my lowest scores were in Physics and Calculus (math and also a stony mass in the body). I intended to take them over, but never did.

Heather C. said...

Susan, I could have written this post. I am working my tail off at school and feel like I'm neglecting the more important things (my family!!) in exchange. Whether the investment is worth it or not is a conversation I have with myself daily. Good luck on your next test!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...