Thursday, February 20, 2014

What the what???? Did you know that you can only taste five tastes???? The rest is just coming from what you smell!

I am blown away. I don't even know I for reals believe it.

My biology teacher is the funnest ever. I just really like him. He is VERY amusing. He makes Biology so interesting. And I love it when we start talking about something and then it goes from us asking question after question about why this and why that. And we act like he is supposed to know everything. And he is very kinds and patient trying to answer all the random questions we have.

Every day practically we have a quiz so that we will be studying constantly. And Brother (church school, we call him Brother) Wray brings in a bag with candy in it. He does a game such as...if a class mate chooses a purple candy we have a real quiz. And if they choose a green candy we have a a bonus quiz which is just like extra credit. But he often puts in a lot more of the color that makes it a real quiz.

So today when the class mate chose the color that made our quiz a bonus...You would have thought we had each won a million dollars. We all were so excited and even Brother Wray was pretty amused at our excitement level.

We had a massive lab test today. We had to know bones, heart parts, cavities, muscles, blood, I don't even know anymore. All I know tonight is I successfully know if a skull belongs to a man or a woman!
Cause I am cool like that!

Back to the taste apparently you only taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and scientist figured out another one... umami. Go figure. So if you have a grape jolly rancher or a apple jolly rancher your taste buds can only taste sweet. But you nose smells! And that is how you know the flavor. WHAT?????? Yes. For reals.

Yesterday I had my little throat surgery procedure. They stretched out my esophagus and were suppose to cut a little something off. But I can't quite remember if that happened or not. Can I just say....Um...I really like that medicine they give you that knocks you out. Like really. I was super happy and super friendly when I woke up. And I talked a lot. Corey kept trying to convince me they were all winking at him like "she is totally out of it" but I didn't believe him. I am starting to think it was maybe true.

My voice feels stronger and I keep having people tell me it sounds better. The Dr. said what they were doing to me would have zero affect on my voice, so who knows what is up with that.

Bo is STILL obsessed with Pokemon cards.

And Brody is still very naughty.

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Hello, my old friend.

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