Tuesday, March 4, 2014

And a leader and a reader is born! I don't even know what that means. I am super weird and wired and tired tonight. and UNSTUDIOUS!

I had to go to the school the other day to talk about Rhett and his dyslexia.

I heard some really great things from his teacher that I wanted to document.

I have almost finished turning another year of my blog into a book for our family. It is a ton of work but I think all of these things I have written for them is a pretty great gift of love. I was always scared if I died when they were little they would never know me. I'm not scared of that anymore. Probably because I have old enough ones that will remember me but also I have a lot of comfort that there is so much of "me" poured into my blog, that they will know me. I get a lot of peace in that.

Is special ed" still a term that is used?  I am not highly sensitive and I don't really care at all but I like to say Rhett has a disability instead. But is that a negative term? Maybe it is and I don't realize it. I know some people like to say abledsomethingrather or something like that...I don't know. I just don't love "special ed". But Rhett could care less.I asked him. And I don't care that much except to say.....what is a good way to reference it?

I know some people hate labels and I was once told not to label them. I don't know. If you have something that affects you....like true blue dyslexia...what is the problem with stating it and owning it?

I try very hard not to label them in other ways such as "he is the noisy kid, or stubborn kid...I try to be very aware of that although I am sure I have done that too...but if you have dyslexia, or ADHD, or depression, or anxiety what's the big deal?

(I look fatty fat pants in this picture and this was pre "gained ten pounds" Susan! wuz up with that!)

So we had to have a little meeting to talk about Rhett and the goals involving him. Rhett's reading has jumped grade levels!!! So exciting. His spelling? He are just going to be thankful for spell check. And I am not even giving it anymore thought than that.

His teacher (love her!) told me (and she has been a teacher for a long time) that she has never ever seen a kid who is in special education work as hard to be successful in school as Rhett does.

And she said she has also never seen a kid in special ed be a leader. And that Rhett is a leader and that the kids want to be with him.

He is a pretty neat kid. I don't worry too much about him because he is so so competent. He still washed his own clothes too! That or he wears his pants a week straight. Found that out today! EWE!

So....have you heard the news on the street? Gus is moving on. He got a great new job. BROKE MY HEART.

I would always call him for help because he was so so kind to me and my forgetfulness of all things boots.

And he was funny.

And we would listen to the Neil Diamond Pandora station together.

And at the fair we shared the blue cheese hamburger.

He was always so much fun.

He gave my kids a dollar to go see the 1000 pound pig.

He helped Nathan name his sword. Which is apparently important to all sword geeks.

He would remember to ask about things I was going through like my bad throat.

He remembered that when I was coming home from college on a bus that we all sang John Denver "take me home" even thought we weren't even singing about the right state. And then when that song came on our Neil Diamond pandora station he told me all about us singing in college.

He would always prank me on the phone....okay... I didn't really like that... but the rest of him I will just MISS. BOO FOR MOVING UP IN THE WORLD!

I convinced him to take selfies of us. But I look cray cray. (Kassidy and I have been trying to talk gangsta slang to each other even though we don't even know what any of that means. She told me and I quote "yo dang hibsta swagging in my jelly" and neither of us have any idea what that meant but we both thought she was pretty funny!

Anyway, so long to Gus. I really really like him. And I am sad. That is all. I must go commit myself to homework I have been wasting hours. I now officially deserve bad grades.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...