Saturday, March 1, 2014

Missionary Blessings ALREADY!

Well, Our oldest daughter Kassidy is preparing to go on a mission for our church. It is very exciting for us. Corey and I feel so old to really honestly be at this stage in our lives.

Kassidy is just waiting for a few last things to be done (not within her control) and her paper work will be sent off. Her two favorite classes at college have been her religion classes.

I found her very amusing that she decided upon her teachers based on the pictures she was able to find of them and if they were cute or not. She is a goof ball.

I was so grateful to her the other day for babysitting for me. Her little sister just misses her so much. It's sad. So I drove Kate up to her and Kassidy drove her back down to kindergarten and then drove back up to me to bring me my car back and then I drove back home after my class. Crazy! Kate had so much fun with Kassidy that she tried to convince her she had the flu so she stay with Kassidy.

So a mission for our church costs $400 a month. Kassidy worked her guts out to pay for all of her schooling and living expenses. I am so very proud of her for that. So she is sort of out of money.

A person in Kassidy's life who has become very dear to our family and to our hearts told her that he wanted to pay 100 dollars a month for her mission.

Corey and I went to thank him. It is an 18 month commitment and we were very touched and grateful for his offering.

He was so sweet and we talked with him and his wife who is just as much of a love.

We stayed and for more than an hour. I felt sad for overstaying our welcome but the spirit of sweetness was so strong in his presence that it was hard to leave.

He said that it wasn't a burden to help financially. That God always provided and he wasn't concerned about it.

I expressed that my faith just wasn't as strong. That perhaps I had become a bit cynical because life is so hard sometimes.

We talked about the challenges of raising children, Corey getting Lupus, me back in school, and we laughed a lot about their little handicap dog who actually was crying with tears because he wasn't getting all of the attention.

As we were leaving we were still chatting and he said he was going to pay more on her mission. He told us that he loved Kassidy like a daughter.  His wife didn't skip a beat and just smiled and shook her head. I loved her. She was all for whatever her husband said. It was so sweet.

I was just stunned. I covered my mouth with my hands and just said "No!" I didn't know how he could do more! He said that it never matters, the Lord always provides.

I said I wish I had more faith like that. I said I think I have just gotten ye of little faith because it has been such a financial and emotional struggle to raise all these kids. Have I mentioned I am burned out? There is a psychological condition actually called "burn out".

Our friend said that he has heard that God doesn't care about all the little details of our life. But that he knows that if he is concerned about what color of socks he has on, that God is too.

I had my hands still covered over my mouth in shock and when he said that I just started crying hard. I just want so much for that to be true. I want God to care about my dumb little things. So often I don't pray about stuff because I can't imagine He has time to care about that with all of the other BIG problems in the world Why is he going to care that I gained tn pounds. Yes. Ten.

This friend was just looking at me so deeply in the eye. Trying to penetrate my heart that God loves me. I know he was. I really know he was.

It was a lovely moment. It felt good. If felt like it was meant to happen. Like our friend was suppose to testify those things to me. It felt like God never gives up on me even though I haven't given Him any time for quite a while.

I am so touched at our friends strength and commitment and faith and LOVE.

I want to be more like that.

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Hello, my old friend.

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