Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My love for all thing Biology was just reneewed!

I just got back from my killer early morning biology lab.

I had the usual quiz. I start studying for these a week early. Lots and lots of memorization. I keep flash cards at work and just go through he over and over. Newell has learned to work around my strewn about flash cards.

And then by lab I forget. So I have to hurry and try to re cram.

CASEY (said with a really annoyed tone) is my arch nemesis. He DOESN'T"T EVEN STUDY! Okay, he just studies real quick in class and then he is good.

IT IS SO AGITATING. And he knows he annoys me. But I alos love him. He is a sweet good kid.

I am so amused because he wants to be a marriage counselor. I just love all these kids full of ideals and confidence and so not beaten down  by the world yet. It is a happy place to be with them and I try very hard not to contaminate them with my burned outness.

SO today as I walked into lab he was doing his usual two minute studying and I hurried and shut his book so he couldn't study. Cause I am super annoying that way.

Then we had the most stressful quiz ever! The questions would not end!!!!

Alll about parts of the ear and the inside of the eye and the brain!

He asked us 19 agonizing questions.

But then he gave us the good news that he was only scoring for 15 so we could get extra credit if we....could

I got 16 out of 15,


And the cool news did CASEY.

naner naner.

But he is so sweet.

He high fived me and was all happy for me.

And then he told me he was mortal after all. Little stinker.

And when my adorable teacher gave me my quiz back he said "Good Job, Susan" and he gave me a sweet smile.

And because I am words of affirmation I ate that up.

And I really appreciated him because he knows how hard I have been trying and how much of a struggle this has been for me.

AND........TONS of my smart class mates scored test grades (61%) JUST like mine. SO I am not dumb after all.

So my sweet mom is keeping Kate for the rest of the morning so I can commit the rest of my day to homework and making new flash cards and studying for TOMORROW'S BIOLOGY QUIZ AGAIN!!!! and enjoying a little quiet.


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