Sunday, March 23, 2014

Some happenings at our house!

Hi friends, 

So busy. I have three weeks of this semester left. I am relieved. Although I just have to admit I will REALLY miss that Biology class. It has been so much fun. And it has been so much fascinating information. And it has been so much work that has been very fulfilling. I am doing better in the every day quizzes. Like I have scored a lot of 100's% lately. I am sort of catching the hang of it. I have a lab test, another test, and a final. All in three weeks. I have a b- in the class though. The tests are so hard it will not surprise me if I get a c in the class. That bums me out but it almost doesn't matter because the class gave me so much more than a grade. 

I will forever be thankful for the teacher who made us work hard, answered all of our question after question, made Biology fun, and gave me such a challenge. Even if I get a C I really feel like I proved some good things to myself.

Justine will be leaving for college in a few month. I am going to die. Kate will be losing her best friend. I really think that is going to be so hard on her.

Look at this fancy hair do Justin gave Kate! You can see her admiring herself in the mirror. So cute.

THIS DARLING GIRL HAS HER MISSION PAPERS SENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that means in twoish weeks we will hear where she will be moving for the 18 months to teach people about Christ! SCARY AND AWESOME!!!! (SAUCE)

She is SUPER busy with school work!!!!


Honestly she is hanging in there quite well! Proud of her!

So remember Kate's beloved cat James that actually belonged to the neighbor? And then he disappeared and we were so sad...well James has a sister. "Narla". She is also the neighbors cats. The neighbors put them outside because they were peeing in the house. Well because Kate has a high need for lots of lovings I allowed her to constantly bring this cat in after James disappeared. This cat loves Kate the most (which is good because Brody does not enjoy Kate.) of everyone in the family.

After a while, this cat is meowing non stop to come in. Then COREY starts letting her in which is a shock. SO I guess we have sort of adopted her. (Sorry neighbors, kind of rude of us. I don't think they care, they have more) The COOLEST thing is....she never ever pees in the house. And we don't have a litter box. She meows like a dog to go out! Cracks me up! 

Bo gets some turn to love on Narla too.

Rhett spends all his free time playing Jujitsu with Brody. And Brody loves it.

My cutie pie loves school! She is growing so old!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...