Sunday, March 16, 2014

I can't do crack no more!

Kate got strep throat AGAIN!

Super sad. She gets so so sick and sad. Throwing up, up all night, crying, coughing. So sad.

I was giving her her medicine and I said maybe she needs her tonsils out. She said "I don't have tonsils!!!!"

I told her she did and Rhett (who has had his out) and Kate and I were discussing all my new great biology facts.

Tonsils actually collect bacterial and germs before they go down in your stomach. But Rhett was worried because he doesn't have tonsils. But i assured him that his stomach acid would take care of bacteria and germs that got in.

Our bodies have three lines of defense. If one line fails another one can hopefully do the job and fight off illness.

Rhett said "Wow! You're getting really smart!"

DON'T I KNOW IT!!!!!! (finger snap zigzag!)

And then he asked if I could hurry up and learn math so I could help him.

Today we celebrated Nathan's birthday. He wanted a Lord of the Rings eye of Sauron cake. He liked it. I told him that i looked him so much I spent time learning how to write him "Happy Birthday" in Elvish. He was pretty impressed!'s just fancy squiggles!!!! Ha ha.

So here was the dinner conversation with my cute father in law today. He is always impressed iwth my cakes so I told him what I had made and that I wrote Happy Birthday in Elvish.

Cute father in law "Elvis? They had a whole documentary about him." We had a good laugh. He doesn't watch Lord of the Rings, so he doesn't get "elvish".

Remember how Kristopher said that one of the things to do when you are addicted is to stay busy learning new things and doing fun things and keeping your life interesting....

The key is to not go into the "crack house" which means to not feed your addiction or go to the places that make your addiction kick in.... He told me to take a crack house and put a big line through it ..."NO crack house!" and he told me to stick it on my vision board.
So I did.

So when my friend told me about this online class she was doing I decided what the holy heck! I have never done anything of the sort and it was completely new and sounded so fun and inspiring that I went for it and signed up for the class. I feel like it fulfills the idea of staying busy doing new and exciting things and trying to stay out of the crack house.

The online class is by The Brave Girls. You might have seen them on the internet somewhere. I really like them.

So the class is called "Soul Restoration." So far it has been really fun and exciting. It is like therapy mixed in with crafts. Wahoo! I am proud of myself for just going for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy heck is right! Now I get it. What? What I get which is only understood by me and by you in your way.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...