Saturday, September 3, 2016

I drove down Lombard Street!

This is Lombard Street in San Francisco. A few years ago, my brother zipped around the streets in San Francisco like it was no big deal and he took us down this exciting street! It was so cool. Since then I have always wanted to DO IT MYSELF! And I did. And it was that cool. 

(I got this picture from the Internet. I don't know where it came from, sorry)

(Breaks my heart that I have gained weight. Breaks my heart. Every day I try to lose it and every day I still struggle. I am trying t still enjoy life. I am still worthy of good experiences.)

It is super hard to take any decent pictures because it just is. But Justine did her best! Plus it is over so dang fast. 

People's driveways are RIGHT THERE on the beautiful brick road of Lombard Street. I don't know how they get in and out of their homes!

When we got to the bottom this man told us "You got this!" It totally made me feel good and like..."Yeah, we got it!"

Justine tried really hard to get some good pictures of how steep the roads were.

And I LOVE all these tall beautiful houses and their fun nautical colors. I want to see who lives there and I want to know why they live in such a busy place and I want to understand their lives. And I want to try out their lives for a few weeks.  

My sister in law was so kind to me and seemed so very proud of me and she told several of her friends how I was determined to navigate San Francisco myself and also drive down Lombard Street myself. And some of her friends thought I was so brave and they had never even done it themselves! So I felt dang good about myself. 

I drove all around for a little bit. If we saw a steep road we went up or down in. But after a bit of that, we were ready to go on with our journey. It was a little taxing and I got a bit stressed. As you are going up that steep road, I wasn't scared but I had no idea what I would do if my car died or I had to turn around...The people park sideways on those steep roads. I have no idea how to do that. Also, the lights are on the sides of the road and sometimes there were lights and sometimes stop signs and when I was going up to the top of a steep street I would have to get to the top over the ridge a tiny bit and pray I didn't go a little too far! Otherwise, I would be sitting too much on the steep part. 

Anyways, GREAT but a bit stressful. But I wasn't scared. When I was trying to find parking in Sand Fransisco and it was LITERALLY the BUSIEST TRAFFIC possible and I had NO IDEA where I was and how to park and it was LITERALLY the BUSIEST TRAFFIC possible....I received this kind text from my brother.

It meant a lot because he knows we sort of came from a fear based back ground. And really since the beginning of my therapy and when I learned about facing fears....this is exactly how I have been handling stuff. Just doing what needs to be done. So his text resonated with my heart. And I did it. I got us through all of our day at San Francisco and LOMBARD STREET!!!!!!

I have been googling artsy prints of Lombard Street because someday when I have an office I am going to hang one up.

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