Monday, May 28, 2012

Did you know the recorder is a real instrument?

It is. I found this out from Rhett's music teacher. Her and her husband actually do duets at church on their recorders. Who knew?

Before Rhett's concert I would have scoffed at that but now I am a believer.

First off....Happy Memorial Day.

Thank you to those who served and serve. Today I got to go with my son and put up flags in yards around our neighborhood. It is a Scout fundraiser. I got a little sentimental as we were doing it and thought what an honor it was to put the flag on the stake and unroll it. It was breezy and the flags would just take off waving. I loved it. And I love that I got to do it with my son. Who is now inches taller than me. I love having sons. Blessings abound.

I was just unable to get to everything I need to do done and I didn't get anything made for the graves of Corey's dad and  his "step" dad Roger. I put "step" in quotations because I am not sure it counts when you are past thirty and they become your step dad. Nonetheless, we love them both.

Here are a few pictures of Rhett's recorder concert. LET ME TELL YOU....It was a joy to attend. He had been driving us all crazy practicing really hard. I started to think, "man, he is getting good!"

His choir teacher thought of a brilliant plan and let the kids earn "belts" for each of their songs. So since Rhett learned all of them (why did we struggle so much in piano again?) he was a "black belt"! The kids ate that system up! See the yarn (belts) hanging off the kids recorders?

The video I took was so hard to hear I didn't post it. But the kids played up to ten songs! AND THEY SOUNDED GOOD!!!!! I was really surprised. Another mom and I joked about it. I LOVED when they did Amazing Grace. It was a beautiful concert.

Rhett is the big one, in the white shirt, standing out a bit, in the back. I am sure he did that for his mama. So he'd be easy to spot. Sweetie pie.

The other day he came up to me... "Hey Mom! Want to wrestle?" "Ummmm, no."

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Hello, my old friend.

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