Saturday, May 26, 2012

I admit it. It's a strange hobby.

Justine and I  went to one of her beloved rabbit shows last week. We enjoy them. I still don't really know why. It is a long day of staring at rabbits and saying how cue they are. And watching judges analyze them with certain rules of what makes them good quality or not. And only Heaven knows who thought up those rules to begin with. It's strange. But I love having something that is just for Justine and I. And we really love talking about rabbits all day. For a long time we would joke about how weird rabbit people were. Then we finally admitted we were some of those people. Lol.

This judge, "Nate" is a darling.

Our Netherland Dwarf, "Logan", We love this little guy. One judge loved him and the other didn't. That is what is so crazy! It is all just that judge's opinion!

Our rabbit friends, Matt and Alicia. They were the ones who organized the show. They did a great job.

Alicia and an old timer, Lawerence.

Cute little Justine listening to the judge

At this show they did a little 4-H competition. This is the senior group. Justine and our club friend, Ashley. Justine was scared to tell the judge she had been doing rabbit 4-H for 8 years because she knew the questions would be hard!

She won. BECAUSE when the judge was judging the younger groups we paid very close attention and realized the judge was moving around the room a lot. He would say..."Show me your rabbits rear pose....and the kids would show it straight in front pf them where a judge would normally stand. But this judge was moving. So Justine and I discussed that. Showing the rabbit is about showing it to the judge. So even though she wasn't quite sure that was what he wanted she did it. So when our friend's rabbit would be facing out front, Justine would pose hers diagonal to where the judge had moved. She felt so risky but she won and the judge complemented her being the only person in the whole show to do that. It REALLY pays to watch the other kid's show because you learn things about the judge!

It was great fun. The two first placers.

( Justine, collection her prize)

And.....Justine also won first place on the rabbit breed ID. I was very proud because knowing the breed of the rabbits can be challenging because there are a lot! Plus...she had to also know their "class" and variety (color) which is not as simple as brown or gray. It is colors like blue, torte, broken black.... And she had to get all three right to get one point! The other kids, because they hadn't been in as long, did not have to do all of that to earn their one point. So I thought Justine did awesome.

Our rabbits didn't do so well. We lost four rabbits this winter. Justine's most favorite rabbit somehow broke it's back, the neighbor dog jumped the fence and scared a rabbit into breaking it's back, and then we lost three to rye neck. She was so frustrated! So we are working to get some good quality rabbits again!

Anyways! That's that.

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