Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mama's Day, Mama! Yes, you! With the curly hair! Probably doing my mending at this exact moment!

I am lucky enough to have the world's best mother!

I can't wait to grow up to be just like her.

My favorite qualities of hers?






I love you, Mom!!!

Also Happy Mother's Day to my husband's equally fabulous, generous mother. I love you, too!

Here is my present from Rhett.

Me! Love it.

He told me he has no idea how Grandpa Dale (famous Artist) can paint so good. I thought that was so cute. He said this flower was super hard!

And here is my name, written downwards, with my special qualities also written by Rhett. I wrote on the side what he told me the words said.

The battle with dyslexia and my boy continues. Seeing it like that on paper...isn't it heart breaking? Whatever part that "writes" in his brain is just sending mixed up signals. Poor sweet, smart, hard working boy.

I was able to check out from the library the book recommended to me that was 150.00 dollars on Amazon. I now know why it is so expensive. It must come with a  translator to read it to you! It is so complex! It might as well have been written in Chinese. I don't understand. one. single. word. .

Corey tried to have the kids make me paving stones with their hand prints. He was quite disappointment when it didn't work out. Instead they made me this cement slab with... "Toys we can never play with again." lol. That is what Kate kept telling me.

Isn't it cute though? I love it.

Last year because of kid burn out I spent my mother's day relaxing in my bedroom watching movies while Corey did all the work with the kids. Sigh. That was nice.

This year was great though because we invited our mothers over and Corey fixed us a great dutch oven dinner. It was super good and fun. Totally blew my calorie counting! I have been doing so well!

My dad, Corey, and new father in law Dale.

Dutch oven potatoes...Yum

Gotta keep his energy up for all the cooking! "It's mostly all ice!"

Rhett...always where the action is at!

A kid with his nose in a book? Yes, please! Happy Mother's Day to me!!! (Hi, Uncle Frank!)

Katie...just like Kassidy was. Can never just smile for the picture!

My latest Pinterest project. Nests for both mothers! I can't decide if it looks good or just home made. I like my mom's hand.

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