Sunday, July 29, 2012

Are you upset little friend?

I am freakishly BUSY! I literally have SIX appointments tomorrow. And they are all important.

I tricked Justine into admitting that she has a tiny bit of resentment towards me for working those two days a week now and leaving her to baby sit. I feel bad about that but I have no great solution to the problem. It has to be the way it is for now. Corey is home often on those times but the little kids are completely trained to rely on her as Corey is often working hard in the yard or getting our fire wood for winter or something. 

I am also very busy getting ready for girls camp. I am so very happy to get to go again. It is a privileged to get to go with my daughter. My official title from the camp leader is the "cruise director". Which translates into...I PLAN ALL THE FUN!!!! That makes me very happy. (OH!!! Guess what! It probably can't MAKE me happy. I just feel happy about it. I almost was caught on that one!!!) I have already spent my budget. I just can't go small. I want the girls to have and do everything that will enhance their camp time. So if I am not blogging this next week it is because I am gone. 

I wanted to give them a quote with some shiny gloss. I found the sweetest quote.

Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry...I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you. -Charlie Brown to Snoopy” 

I am going to equate it to how that is how Heavenly Father feels about us. I know it is true because of my recent experience where Heavenly Father has sent me help in my time of need. And now I am learning lots. And I love the tenderness of the quote. And I think Heavenly Father must think that tenderly about us. Because as a mom I feel that way about my chickies. So I think Heavenly Father feels all soft and tender about me. 

That is a realization I am learning through Super Hero. Is that a strange place to have strong reinforcements that Heavenly Father must love me and feel tender about me? In therapy? I don't know. Remember I told you guys I have no answers?

Look at my girls crazy LONG hair!!! Can you even believe it?

On their way to a camping trip...

I bought this freakola mask at a thrift store. The family had great fun with it. This is Corey trying to freak us out....


1 comment:

Timber said...

I am so jealous of Justine's hair! I am trying to get to that length. Her hair looks so thick too!

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