Sunday, September 29, 2013

Get mentally tough!

Holy yowza! I made it through the first few weeks of school. The one class at the college is proving to be very little work. It might be more though when it comes to taking a test.

I haven't had anymore melt downs over school. I am holding it together and not all freaked out anymore. I might over react a bit. Just sayin'. That wouldn't be new news.

The online class is SO much work. But I really like it. A lot. I have taken a two quizzes and a test. It is SO annoying when you had the right answer and then second guessed yourself and changed you answer! And was wrong. I received an A and B on the quiz and a B on the test. All open book. SO annoying!!!! I wanted all A's!!!!!!! But I did it all the very best I could so I guess that is the way it works!

Speaking of over reacting....I have to address that topic here in a minute.

But first, the other day Kate broke a little vase that Bo had painted for me. She told me. I made the HUGE mistake of telling her just to hide (*hangs head in shame* yes I did.) it and don't tell him.

He freaks out sometimes! And I didn't want to deal with it.

So she goes and tells him instantly "Bo, I broke the vase you made mom. "

And the heavens parted and angels were singing and he said "That's okay. Accidents happen."

And I almost died right then and there. Crazy! And cute! He is a doll. And so is Kate. She is getting easier by the week.

So one of the things that Kristopher helps me with that I thought I should share is this...

Because I really battle with controlling my own thoughts, (have forever) he has told me more than once that I need to force myself to be rational.

And I said...."But I feel...."

and he cut me off. With more of his words of wisdom.

And I said..."But I feel...." and he cut me off. with. more. words. of. wisdom.

Because "feelings" deserve less attention.

How do I make that make sense.... How you feel is important and it is important to have those feeling validated.

But we shouldn't put so much emphasis on our feelings that they are controlling our lives. Which happens to me.

So when I come to Kristopher feeling things that are not warranted he will tell me to push against those feelings and force reality in.

I really, really like that. I like the visual it gives me of PUSHING reality in and the other thoughts out.

He recommended this book.

Not because of anything it had to do with losing weight. But because of the great "thinking" the book teaches you. Kristopher is ALL about controlling your thinking.

So let me just give you a few words from the book.

"Fit people pay the price of discipline and fat people pay the price of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons."

"If you want to become thin and healthy, you will pay a price. You will sacrifice and call on every ounce of willpower you have. If you let your guard down you'll be fat again. If you don't you wont."

This book is all about getting mentally tough.

I like it! I do!

One thing I really liked about it is how it addresses fear. Kristopher has talked a ton about facing your fear. About not running from it.

The quote in the book says "Middle-class thinking (the author calls middle class people basically those who are just letting their thinking control them) attached fear to everything.."

and what he says about the "World class thinkers" is "Since fear based thinking rarely enters their minds, they immediately begin moving forward like a locomotive thundering down the track devoid of the psychological interference that plaque most people."

"The two primary emotions are love and fear. Love is rooted in abundance while fear is rooted in scarcity. Middle-class thinkers are terrified they are going to fail. World-class thinkers just can't wait to cross the finish line and get the trophy. Once you take control of these two emotions everything begins to fall into place, because they both set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. You wither choose to operate out of love and win, or you choose to operate out of fear and lose. Either way, the choice is yours."

It is full of good stuff so far. It is interesting to me how Kristopher is always saying to face your fears because then they go away and this book talks about how "World-class thinkers" are not sitting around worried about their fears all the time.

Good stuff.

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Hello, my old friend.

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