Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas updates!

My Christmas tree lights died. Do I need to say more? 


 I do. 

I'm super annoyed.

 I'm tempted to leave it lightless. Well, two little strands still work. So that may be it.

Rhett had a book report. He hates hate hates reading. It is sad. But I finally found some books that seem to be in his reading level and are still somewhat interesting to him. 

Here is his book report project. It was a scene from the book. We spray painted the box and then he glued and created the rest. I thought it was so cute.

I got him some other books for Christmas.....which will thrill him, lol. They are about the most dangerous animals so that should be good. Also, I got him a few his little cousin recommend called "Stink".

I'm excited about them. One CANNOT have Christmas without a book.

Here is my darling girl filling out her college application. She is done. They are submitted. I am so so sad. Of course I am glad for her and she needs to go live at college so she can have a break from siblings. But I will miss her. And Kassidy is already leaving and I will miss her. I am not ready for this part of my mommying to be over. 

So for Christmas I want to collect advent calendars. But they are too big. But here is one that the kids adore. And I sort of annoyed by it! Ha ha.

It is like remembering to be the tooth fairy every single night.

It has little pockets and everyday (if I can manage to remember) I put treats into the pockets for the day we are on. I have been good at remembering lately because if I don't Bo and Kate wake me up early wanting their candy.

I am so grateful for my friend who has a little nativity party every year. I love that my kids are getting to act out the Nativity at Christmas time. It wouldn't be happening if it weren't for my friend throwing the party.

Buddies, Ciara (Justine has been friends with her since birth) Maelynn, and Justine!

Rhett is being the donkey. He carried Mary on his back.

This is baby Jesus. And that is the back of Kate who was an angel. It was absolutely classic because Emerson would not leave the iPad to be baby Jesus. So we put him in the mangery basket with the iPad. He was a very modern Jesus.

Nathan was Joesph and Bo was a Shepherd.

Jace read and the passages and his friend John helped us sing.

The cast

Good times.

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Hello, my old friend.

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