Thursday, December 19, 2013

It feels SO weird not to have any homework!!!!!

Yesterday, I looked at Brody and was petting him and I said "I'm sorry, you're just no Josie."

Then I felt pretty guilty. 

I REALLY like Brody. He is wanting attention and he is sweet and he is protective of us already. I actually really want a dog that will bark and alert us. 

But....he's not Josie. (Josie was our beloved gentle, completely trusted around animals and babies and children, Golden Retriever) He is such a smart dog. Too smart. And we don't have time for it.

 I keep trying to give Brody a break and remember how very much the breed of a dog influences their  personality, or perhaps his treatment before we parented him.

He is just so wary of anything going on. And he really does "herd". The other day the kids were all wrestling Rhett down and Brody was BITING at his pajama bottoms in like herding mode or something. He was't trying to hurt him, (Rhett is is favorite) he was just being himself I guess.

Today Kate and I were hiding under the covers in my bed and all of a sudden Brody jumped on the bed and in one quick move he tried to rip off the sheets to uncover Kate because he knew something was strange with her hiding, and he ripped my sheets!

I am telling you Brody is more dog then we can handle. I really really like him. He has some GREAT qualities. But his innate behavior is going to be a challenge. Just putting it out there for the record. I really just wanted some dopey mutt. Mutts are always the best.

When I saw this picture it so reminded me of our Josie. 

I love it.

Isn't that cute?

I was thinking today, as Kate ran me ragged all morning with her extreme fast working mind that is always going, that t is a goood thing for our pets that there are several of them. So the torture can be dispersed amonst them all a bit. She had the poor parakeet out THREE times today. She loves those pets. I love her for it!

So Justine has been working with a cute little group of kids for a year and a half as part of her highschool credits. She worked with them when they were kindergartners and then moved up with them for first grade. Those kids love her. They all want to sit on her lap, they hug her and love her.  She has become very attached to them. She is just so sweet with children. She has been told more than once by the little kids that they wish she was their mom. Kinda sad....

I have had a chance to talk to her about how she has an opportunity to love them and give them love that may help add to their little attachment in the world. I had a person do that for me when I worked at the pet store as a teenager. There was an older man I worked with and he was so kind and a friend to me and it just enhanced my life. And she can do that for these little kids. Love them while they are in each other's lives to help fill up their little love buckets.

So we went to the party store to buy little Christmas presents for them.

Justine and I saw this and were both a little bit like.....Ummm.....

"Is this is a little weird?"

It's Jesus with Justine's favorite One Direction boy, Liam. With Zane photo bombing in the back ground.

It cracked us up in a that is weird and inappropriate sort of way.

So today Corey and I were talking about his Christmas present that I am very excited about.

And he says to me.... "Just NO BOOKS. I hate books!"


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Hello, my old friend.

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