Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dear Zoe, (woof woof)

I'm sorry I never got to meet you. I know we would have gotten along great because you wouldn't make me bite my own tail like Kate does that when I try to nibble her fingers. She's a tricky girl.

I know how much you like dogs. I saw you reading to them at school.

I love all the kid in my family but Rhett might officially be "my boy". He wrestles and plays with me all the time and I love to follow him everywhere and whine at him if he goes out front. I can't go out front because I run away!

Kate and I took these pictures special just for you!

I am destroying the house. I have eaten the noses off of every stuffed animal I can get my paws on. And I eat everything else, too!

My mom thinks I am a total pain but she just can't resist me anyways.

 So I am just like my cousin Mikey. 

I love presents!!!!! Kate gave me this one today!

I ran away and hid with it under the table. Then when I opened it it was a....

Paper towel roll!!!!! What a bummer!!!!!! Can you believe the nerve?

Ok, well, sorry I didn't get to meet you. I know I would think you are great!!!!!!

Love Brody! (Today Bo decided my name was Brody Bo. But Justine said it had to be Brody Boomer. So mom said it could be Brody Boomer Bo. So that's me!)

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...