Thursday, December 25, 2014

What would you buy with a gift card to amazon?

Merry Christmas! We had a good day. We got to talk with Kassidy and open presents and eat way too much which I totally regret. 

Corey gave me the best gift ever. $50 dollars to Amazon. I bought six books for like a penny or a tiny bit more (plus shipping) and a ring. It was so fun. Ordering books for a penny on Amazon is like my favorite thing to do. I learned long time ago that I love books that are about real live people. I enjoy novels occasionally but they are typically not the first book I go to. 

I bought a book on a woman with schizophrenia, a book about twins, one had schizophrenia and one became a psychologist, a book about a mom raising a girl with anorexia, and a book about in real life young girl's who got pregnant without being married were sent away to have their babies and place them up for adoption, and a book about a woman who had become a woman by having a sex change, and a book about the most commonly asked questions in therapy and their answers.  

Do these sound strange to anyone else? I just find people and their lives fascinating. Justine made a comment "Are you actually going to read these?" I laughed at her little wise crack. I night stand has a very (two) tall stack of books waiting to be read. I am always working on one or two but I don't actually devour books. But I do get to them.

I have ALWAYS loved rings. One of my happiest things about losing weight was having thinner hands again. And now I feel happy to wear rings again. I bite my nails, I totally have old hands, but I love rings. So I got one on Amazon on a good sale and I used my gift card for all of these things. 

Kind of interesting, huh?! I thought the gift card was a great idea of Corey's. 

So that is all about Christmas for now. 

Here are pictures of the amazing craft project that cost too much, didn't turn out that great, was way too much chaos to make and still some fun. 


We got nick knacks from thrift store and dollar store.

So these little fuzzy Santas I got off this hideous arrangement from the thrift store. but they had like five of these funny little gnome-like Santas. I saw some globes that had no water in them and they just looked like little winter terrariums. I thought they were super cute. So I did mine just like that. 

Nathan and Bo took the pokers from the greenery from the hideous arrangement and made all their little figurines have swords. INCLUDING THE ANGELS! Boys!

Merry Christmas for now!

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Hello, my old friend.

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