Sunday, April 26, 2015

I scared Corey. That isn't easy.

Something about me and pain killers are just not working our right.

For the first few days of after my surgery I couldn't stay awake and if I wasn away I DID NOT SPEAK ANY SENSE.

It was crazy to me. I knew I wasn't making sense but I kept trying thinking I was making sense then I would realize I wasn't making sense and get aggravated.

I really don't remember any conversations with visitors. I remember they came but that's it. And I remember Corey and my friend Becci feeding me ice chips. My throat and mouth was as dry as could be. I think that is becasue of the oxygen I was on.

I told the Dr. I kept having bad dreams or really real dreams that were scary becasue they seemed real and then I'd realized they weren't real. And that was just happening over and over. The Dr. lowered or changed my dosage of medicine to help me with that. It helps a little but like on the ride home from the hospital I slept in the van the whole time Corey was in the store getting y prescriptions. Then I'd have dreams and be like...oh yeah. I'm in the van.

When I came home from surgery I showered (Best Shower ever!) and went to bed and Corey who is always ill with Lupus napped too. I started whispering in my sleep. Like a whole sentence. And it woke me up because I realized I was totally whispering real things but I wasn't awake.. So that woke my up and I looked over at Corey and he looks at me and says that  seriously scared me. Hahaha. A few minutes later I was sleeping again and I started talking out loud and quoting math things. "The pluses and minuses go together and the times and division go together. What!!!!?????? And then I was laughing becasue my friend from college was doing something funny at college. I don't know why people enjoy doing drugs. They don't feel that good at all. They are annoying.

Anyway, I'm home so g=far and surviving mostly fine. I wish I had a hospital bed so I could get up easier.


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