Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I have the most beautiful baby bump ever!

Guess what? 

I don't think I even like pop anymore. I had one at the hospital and one since coming home and it's really not even good or refreshing anymore! Now I have to get that to happen with sugar!

Coughing hurts. 

So when you go into surgery they give you this shot of medicine to make you forget everything. I think it's only purpose is to calm you down. I ALWAYS vow that I am going to be stronger then the medicine and REMEMBER SOMETHING from when they wheel you back to the surgical room,

In the past I ahve remembered making it back to the room and it being FREEZING. They keep it freezing because apparently the Drs. get hot in all of their clothes. 

So right before they gave me the shot I asked the super sweetie pie Anesthesiologist if the Dr. was going to have a lunch break and what am I going to do that whole time "Just lay there with everyone looking at me?" 

Yes. Basically yes. 

But the super sweetie pie Anesthesiologist gave his polished off version of I was the star of the show an I would be monitored and carefully watched after. Blah blah. I told him to just make sure there were no crumbs in the Drs. beard and right then Sean Connery showed up and the Anesthesiologist petted his beards and made sure they were crumb free. 

The Dr. had me stand up and he did all his markings on me and then he left and the Anesthesiologist gave me a shot in my IV. Suspiciously I realize...."Is that the shot that makes me forget stuff?" He made a joke and that's all I remember until I was in the surgery room and I know this sounds like the beginning of a musical but I kid you not the Anesthesiologist asked what kind of music I like to listen to and I said Neil Diamond and a moment later a Neil song came on.And that was that. 

And then I literally woke up one second later and I was done! And I felt for where my stomach went and it was gone...ish. 


here is my BEAUTIFUL BABY BUMP!!!!


I have a baby bump! I super hope a lot of it is swelling. But I did know I still had more weight to lose despite the surgery. 

But my loose skin is gone. I'm pretty thankful about that. I'm super excited about my vision board and I am super excited that I have like four months until I start school again and I want to try to really get some new discipline back in my life. :)

Okay....gotta go cut quiet book pieces. 

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