Sunday, April 5, 2015

I ate sugar. I backed up a diesel truck. I made a carrot. I watch Hulu. I don't edit these posts. Sorry

NO CAFFEINE AND ASPARTAME DAY-- I don't even know anymore. I don't feel like I need to keep track. I think I am pretty well officially done with pop and it's not a problem for me anymore. 

Here are the three reasons why....

1) I found a replacement that is good enough for me for the HABIT.

 That is actually huge for quitting an addiction. I learned that going to the gas station for ice water is good enough for me. Having a gas station cup with ice and ice water has substituted for me pop. 

Something bonusly good to go along with that is I don't really want to eat chips too much or salty treats. Who wants salty treats if you can drink a pop!!!???

2) I felt like CRAP for a full week and I do not want to go back to that feeling so I am not getting addicted to pop again. 

3) Pop wasn't my hugest addiction. Once it was gone out of my body chemically then and I found my ice-water replacement, I have been fine. 

Sugar....on the other hand...


Wahhh.  I had an emotionally sad day on Friday. And I mentally gave myself permission to "deserve" a treat since I was so sad. One of the things on my super growing vision board says "You don't deserve it. What you deserve is a body that works." 

But I didn't listen to my vision board. And I ate a treat. Which of course always leads to a free for all. 

Also has anyone noticed that EASTER CANDY just tastes better????? It's a scientific fact, I know it. 

Another thing that happened to me is Corey went with the kids to Yellowstone for three days and I wasn't able to go. So I have had a weekend of binging. I need to replace that habit somehow. 

I feel like crap. But I have just trained myself to KEEP TRYING. 

And that's what I do. It feels like a constant battle. I believe it is a constant battle. I don't think this battle will end for me. One of my friends talks about muscles. And I know that I have grown my muscles to resist pop. And really that is huge. And now I have to just keep growing my muscles to overcome the next thing. 

I worked on saturday and my here is the excitement that was bestwoed upon me that day. 

I got to drive the bi/ fancy truck and back it up onto this little trailer. I did preety good! And then I got to drive the little trailer around to park it as in back it up. Bbut I didn't get to park it. It's on a little busy of a street. 

Then....I got to back up the fancy deisal truck onto the enourmous trailer. I like that my  boss is willing to teach me how to do these things and I am so porud of myself for learning them even if it might be lame to other people. 

You line that yellow ball up with the black hitchth thingy on the long trailer and then you stop when it hits the yellow ball. I totally rocked it. I like got it on the first try. 

You hair is so lame. I need a new style. 

Okay, so Corey and the kids will be back any second. I have the massive Easter egg hunt all ready. Here is how it goes down in my house. The big kids love an Easter egg hunt still. But I hide them HARD. and they love it. Especially when they find them all year long. It cracks them up. In fact, while hiding them I found one from last year they missed!!! Bahahaha. And when ever I find one I have to yell..."You guys are the worst Easter egg finders ever!" and they like it. Also I hide A LOT OF EGGS. 

I have a thing about loving those plastic eggs. I collect new ones each year. But there is ONLY one candy in each egg. And by the time I divide that by 5 kids it isn't too much candy. And I can only buy them candy or Palmer's chocolate. Because I will NEVER, no matter how crazy I get, eat Palmer's chocolate. 

One rule I have is the big kids CANNOT touch any one the ground. Those are some bonus ones for the little kids who may not be able to find the hidden ones as easy. Also the kids get no candy in their baskets. Only from the hunt. 

Also the kids have to spend the evening putting the eggs back together for next year. It would take me a trillion hours to find all of their matches. Holy cow. 

My mom always did Easter egg hunts for my brother and I no matter how old we got so I think that is why I will do it forever for them. 


Did you know Easter grass is very dangerous to animals? It can tie around their intestines and tings. I have seen it happen when I worked for the veterinarian. Also Easter grass is a holy moly pain!

This year I put in tissue paper in the baskets and it looked super cute!!! And it wont be a mess. 

My friend who is moving (wahhhh) gave me all these baskets. So awesome. We needed a change. We had been using buckets forever. 

I made cute little tags for their baskets

I also made these cute carrots...

I have the baskets ready and a ham in the crock pot and am just waiting for my little chickies to get home. 

Happy Easter!

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