Saturday, June 13, 2015

It is REALLY hard to trace yourself with chalk!

Hi, not feeling too much peppier. 

I ate sugar for like three days. Each day I think I am just going to have a little treat and each day has that has not been the case. Thus proving to me AGAIN I can't handle sugar. Most of it I think is a mental thing. I am SO BLACK AND WHITE. It is so often ALL or NONE with me. If I screw up I will just screw up big. If I eat bad then I just binge. I need to learn to It's something Kristopher ALWAYS called me on and it is something one of my best friends ALWAYS calls me on. 

Tomorrow I am starting no sugar again before the damage gets too big. 

So my cute girl has been working at a day care. She comes home and tells me stories about these little toddlers loving Justine and always wanting hugs from her. And the bigger kids love to play goo around with her. Yesterday she found a picture hidden in her purse. Anyway, Justine was promoted and given a raise. The owner said she was great and sharp. Justine is the new cook. This is her little kitchen. She has to prepare meals and snacks and judge how much food is needed. She is doing a great job.

 So Justine took these cute pictures of Kate out front. She was trying to trace herself. bahahahahhah

My boys are hunters. This is them on the way home. Corey took the picture. I love it. 

So I really want to document my favorite or interesting parts from the class I took last semester. I loved this teacher so much. he got my brain SO twisted with view points I had never really pondered before. It was so interesting. he was such a good teacher. It was so cute because after class he had all these "groupies" who would stay after and want to have more conversation about different topics. He always took time with them and they loved him. His perspective from living in different countries is very unique. I adored the class. It was about cultures. And he was a super funny teacher. He would tell us funny stories all the time. 

So one of the things he said was (the topic is westerners vs easterners) that we have a great need to feel good about ourselves. Easterners aren't thinking about it like we are because they are who their community is. Our egos are fragile because we are only ourselves.

Easterners don't ask who they are. They are their community. They aren't worried about who they are or finding themselves. 

 They don't ever worry about "being good enough". They know they aren't. And that is fine with them. That is 't the point. It is why we have the Atonement anyway because we aren't good enough. 

Western Psychology believes if you feel connection with someone it is all you. Eastern Psychology believes it is because you and I ARE connected. 


we are both 1. When you add us together we are one. When you add 2 drops of oil together you have one drop of oil. 

Easterners never subtract themselves from their families when they get married. They add their spouse. So they are never alone. 

Sometimes we think we got where we got with our own hard work. 

No we didn't. That's impossible. We aren't recognizing all the people along the way who helped us there. Like our teachers for our education. We aren't looking at what others gave up for us. 

There is no self made man.

He also talked about how we are uncomfortable with other people's pain and suffering. We may not want to go to a funeral because it will make "us" sad. (I did that once) Our attitude is a bit like..."stop being sad, it is making me uncomfortable."

Easterners believe....Emotions happen in a shared space. Emotions happen between others. When  you say you are sad I am sad with you. We share it together. In therapy I learned I don't have to be responsible for others feelings. But I don't think this is what it is talking about. He is talking about....empathy. When you feel connected to another is is because you are!

That's all for now. I got stuff to do. Yes, it's midnight. and I still have stuff to do. Lol. I LOVE it when I can stay up late and sleep in!

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