Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It was super hard. Super super hard. Okay, it had times when it was super easy too. IDK.


I was a vegan. Last week. For about five days. I have heard that if you eat that way with also not eating sugar salt and oil you lose cravings. So I did that. For about five days.

It was super super hard.

So now I am not a vegan anymore.

I have been desperately trying to figure out what I have to do to control my love of all things... wanting to eat too much. I am back to counting calories. It worked before and I don't know how else to be abstienent for now.

I have been going to a little food addiction group. And I have been reading three books (of course at once!) about food and loving to eat it and I have googled some stuff and many many many of the information I am reading talks about God. And food and God. And what you are trying to get from food you get from God instead. Oh, there is too much to say about it and I can't explain it good right now.

But I am working on stuff.

So I was at work the other day, the week I was a vegan, and my boss ordered pizza for us. But I couldn't eat it because it had salt and oil, etc.
My boss was SO DANG kind. He paid for me to go get a salad from the place next door. Isn't that the nicest show of support? SO KIND!
But today when I went into work and told him I wasn't a vegan anymore the boys busted a gut laughing.
You know what though???? I am not quitting!!!! There has to be a lot said for that right?

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Hello, my old friend.

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