Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Teeth are people too!

So if you have read my blog for a while, you know the struggles I had with being overwhelmed with being a mom. And you know that all of my kids totally survived pretty good without me brushing their little teeth a whole lot. And I already confessed to how horrible it is of me and that I am bad and neglectful. But all of my big kids brush regularly on their own now and they are fine. My sweet Bo however didn't have the same teeth as my other kids or something and he ended up with a lot of cavities and I got in trouble with the dentist for his plaque build up.
I am pleased to announce that he just had his last appointment a few days ago, He had missed his 6 month check up so he hadn't been in a year, and I have good news.. That actually never happens. Despite my bad brushing enforcements, I do take them to the dentist every time I am suppose to. 'Cept that once. Anyway....I have really been working with him and he brushed every night. He still really wants me to tuck him in at night. If I don't get right to it and he I cold he will cover himself up. Then when he sees I have come he will kick all his perfectly good covering So that I can give him a mom fresh cover up. It totally annoys me! I'm like...DON'T kick all your covers off! But it is sweet that he just wants me to do it. Anyway, all that to say, when he asks me to cover him up I refuse until he has brushed. So then he brushes and I cover him up and say HIS prayer for him. He wont say his own. So I say it for him. SHEESH!!!! I'm an enabler! So all of that to say....HE HAD NO CAVATIES!!!! FIRST TIME EVER. And his gums looked good again even tough last time they didn't. PHEW.
Seriously proud of myself over it. That's pathetic. Lol.
So when the dentist informed him he still had like four baby teeth, he didn't know he had any left, he started wiggling and wiggling and had one pulled out by night. And then he came to me for his money. He isn't a believer anymore and I will forget. So I just gave him a buck and we were both happy.
Oh my gosh!!! Stop it. Isn't he ADORABLE!!! I haven't had access to a lot of  the pictures from before but now I do. So if I do some flash backs that is why. He is maybe four here. He is beautiful to me.

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